183 - The Power Of Reflection

It Starts With Heart

Dec 22 2023 • 14 mins

Reflection has become so important for me to do because, besides making me focused, it also connects me to my feelings and mind, which is some of the most powerful resources we as humans have; if we can manage them properly.

After being introduced to an amazing book "The Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership" it made me think about certain areas of my life and what I'm excelling in and what I need to improve on. Reflection is something that alot of people forget to do. They are always so busy looking ahead they forget to reflect on how far they have come.

So take a minute... Reflect and give yourself a pat on the back for where you are now 🖤

Grab The Ultimate Belief Bible for free here: https://coaching.rebeccasonuga.com/belief-bible

Lots of love!
Rebecca xx