Compare & Despair with Jennie Kramer & Nina Manolson EP9

HERStory on a Plate with Jennie Kramer and Nina Manolson

Mar 8 2024 • 25 mins

Co-hosts Nina Manolson and Jennie Kramer are back and today they’re talking about how we all compare ourselves to others and the negative consequences of this behavior. Imposter syndrome is real, for even the most accomplished and confident among us. Hear how this has shown up for both Jennie and Nina and how they address it for themselves and how they help their clients with this universal issue. Steps to combat negative comparisons: o Limit exposure to social media and other sources that promote unrealistic beauty standards. o Practice self-compassion and remind yourself of your own unique strengths and qualities. o Focus on the present moment and appreciate your body for what it can do. o Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Connect with Jennie and Nina

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