93 | The Greatest Survival Story: Grit, Growth, & Navigating Life's Frozen Frontiers

FULFILLMENT THERAPY - Marriage & Family Therapy, Self Mastery, Self Actualization, Unmet Needs, LDS Parent, Family Connection

Mar 7 2024 • 20 mins

Show Notes:

Today I’m sharing one of the most remarkable stories in history of resilience, endurance, and determination. It’s SO incredible. So much so that you’ll think it’s fiction. This true story teaches us how we can develop greater grit and strength in our personal and family lives, and develop that same spirit in our children. I can’t wait to share this courageous story, so you’ll discover more courage in your own personal voyages towards greater fulfillment.



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I forgot to post all of January, except for one episode, about the $600 off the flash sale, so unfortunately, I missed sharing it to most of you since I’m about a month ahead in publishing my episodes, so I’ll be extending our flash sale through the first week of March, so listeners get an actual month of the flash sale. Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.

Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes:

All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica

Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay

Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day

& Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included)

Airport shuttle To & From Included

Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team

Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas

5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions

Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life

Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga

Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats)

Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life

Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more…

Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources

1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials

Costa Rican Retreats

Unleashing Grit and Resilience for Fulfillment

  • In the face of adversity, some people go beyond survival; they emerge as these beacons of resilience, strength, and enduring spirit. Today, we’re going to explore the incredible story of Ernest Shackleton and his Antarctic expedition and learn how he was able to  endure hardship and find fulfillment in the process, so that we can learn how to dig deep in our own arctic crossings and develop an iron strength."

Shackleton's Odyssey

  • Sir Ernest Shackleton and the Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917) and his crew of 27.
  • The expedition aimed to make the first land crossing of Antarctica.
  • The ship, Endurance, became trapped in ice, leading to the ships destruction and a stranded crew.  One of the crew members, Thomas Orde-Lees, said they were “frozen like an almond in the middle of a chocolate bar.”
  • Shackleton did not rage at all, or show outwardly the slightest sign of disappointment; he told us simply and calmly that we must winter in the Pack; explained its dangers and possibilities; never lost his optimism and prepared for winter.”
  • The crew faced extreme conditions, from freezing temperatures and hunger to the constant threat of sea ice. They had been within a day’s sailing of their landing place.There was nothing else to do but to establish a routine and wait out the winter. Earlier, when they tried to hike back to land and off the ice, they managed just seven and a half miles in seven days so they knew they needed to wait out the winter.
  • The climate of Antarctica is the coldest on Earth. Antarctica is the coldest, driest and windiest continent on Earth. The average temperature of the interior is about -71 degrees Fahrenheit. The coast is warmer with average temperatures about 14 degrees F.
  • When they’d already been stranded for 497, Shackleton, Worsley and four others set out in one of the lifeboats to get help from a whaling station on South Georgia island, more than 800 miles away.
  • They sailed in absolutely atrocious conditions for 16 days, only to land on the other side of the island from the whaling station. At which point they had to climb over mountains and slide down glaciers that everyone considered impassable until, after 36 hours of impossible hiking, they arrived at the whaling station.
  • Shackleton wouldn’t leave his crew behind but he suffered misfortune after misfortune trying to get a ship to reach his crew.
  • By the third ship, Shackleton finally succeeded. It had been 128 days since his team of 5 have left the crew. Twenty months after setting out for the Antarctic, every one of the Endurance crew was alive and safe.
  • Despite insurmountable challenges, Shackleton's resilience and innovative strategies led to the ultimate rescue of all 27 crew members, marking the expedition as one of the greatest survival stories in history.
  • “Through endurance, we conquer.” It was the family motto of Sir Ernest Shackleton, and the phrase gave name to the ship used for his world-famous polar expedition
  • "We had seen God in His splendors, heard the text that Nature renders. We had reached the naked soul of man." – Sir Ernest Shackleton

2: The Extraordinary Human Spirit

  • Picture yourself in Shackleton's crew, facing the harsh Antarctic conditions. Beyond sheer physical strength, their mental resilience, Shackleton's inspiring leadership, and their connection and interdependence got them through unimaginable challenges. Their determination and remarkable feats of endurance became legendary.
  • Quotes:
  • "The last of human freedoms – the ability to choose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances." – Viktor Frankl
  • "I chose to fight, not just for survival but for a more fulfilling life beyond the ordeal." – Aron Ralston

3: Grit and Tenacity

  • Grit is the persistent determination and resilience to pursue long-term goals despite obstacles and setbacks.
  • Quotes:
  • "Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina." – Angela Duckworth

4: Personal Transformation and Fulfillment

  • Fulfillment through Adversity: Enduring challenges can lead to personal growth and a sense of fulfillment. (one of my first clients with kids with health challenges)
  • Becoming Your Higher Self: Facing challenges helps refine our character and brings out our higher selves.
  • Quotes:
  • "It is not in the still calm of life … that great characters are formed." – Abigail Adams
  • "Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." – Napoleon Hill

5: Lessons for Today

  • Shackleton's journey to modern challenges and discuss how the lessons of endurance and resilience can be applied today in our families, faith, personal growth voyage.
  • Embrace challenges, develop grit, and strive for personal fulfillment.
  • "As we navigate our own seas of challenges, let Shackleton's story inspire us to dig deep, endure, and emerge not just surviving but thriving, fulfilling our true potential."
  • Remember, within our own expeditions of adversity lies the forge of our greater selves. “Though the fiercest fires, the finest steel is forged.” Embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and in this way, you’ll live a life of enduring fulfillment.

