FULFILLMENT THERAPY - Marriage & Family Therapy, Self Mastery, Self Actualization, Unmet Needs, LDS Parent, Family Connection

Kendra Nielson | Therapist, Counselor, Self Development Educator, Fulfillment Therapy Founder, Consultant,

Hey, Parents! Welcome to Fulfillment Therapy, your space for healing and personal growth, where you can nurture yourselves to enrich your family life. We know the drill - you’re constantly on the hunt for ways to be the best parent and spouse, but it often feels like there’s barely a moment to catch your breath. Balancing your duties, connecting with your kids, and tackling stress can leave you feeling completely exhausted. Mornings start with the best of intentions, but somehow, they often unravel into a whirlwind of arguments with everyone heading in different directions by the day’s end. It’s a stressful cycle, and it’s clear that something is missing. I’m Kendra, a mother and therapist who’s been there before. I’ve learned that to be the best parent you can be, you must prioritize self-care. When you stop ignoring and neglecting your own needs and well-being, you’ll find that you have more energy and less resentment to offer your family. In our relentless pursuit of being super parents, we often forget about the importance of self development and maintaining good mental health, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Balancing the responsibilities of family life while nurturing your personal growth can be difficult. However, it’s essential to become the best version of yourself to be the best parent and spouse. Fulfillment Therapy is about more than just refining your parenting skills; it’s about unlocking your full potential. It’s about rediscovering your values and faith, and creating a safe haven for both you and your family to flourish. In this podcast, we’ll learn tips on reducing stress, overwhelm, and depression, while showing you how to take better care of yourself without neglecting your family and core values. You’ll discover how to advocate for yourself--without shame--and how to nurture your individual worth in sustainable, healthy ways. By replenishing your own cup and meeting your own unmet needs, you can provide more for your family and, most importantly, yourself. We’ll work toward a life where peace, confidence, and a reduced guilt become the norm. You’ll soon discover that your dream of a balanced, joyful life will become your daily reality. It’s time to model healthy self-care, and tap into your unique gifts and talents to make family life more fulfilling than you ever imagined possible. https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Connect → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/fulfillmenttherapy/ read less


116 | Kensi's Sexual Abuse Story: Navigating Complex Trauma & Cultivating Courage
5d ago
116 | Kensi's Sexual Abuse Story: Navigating Complex Trauma & Cultivating Courage
Show Notes: Today Kensi Evans is back on the show to share her story of sexual abuse. My friends, it is so insightful, authentic, and informational. If you’ve experienced sexual abuse, or have a loved one who has–which is probably all of us–you won’t want to miss this. She’s such a gem and this episode is packed with life changing perspectives that are going to help you in your own healing journey. You can thank her later, because you’ll want to.    I hope this helps you in your own healing -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats
115 | Are you Building a Safe, Secure Bond for your Spouse & Children?
May 23 2024
115 | Are you Building a Safe, Secure Bond for your Spouse & Children?
Show Notes: Today we’re discussing how you can know if you’re creating a safe, secure bond with your spouse and children–and what happens when you don’t. If you didn’t grow up with safety and security, today you’ll learn healing tips so you don’t unknowingly pass on generational dysfunction. Want some bite-sized ways to increase connection and secure that bond with your family members? Today you’ll get exactly that so you can build greater family fulfillment, and become your higher selves within your family. Episode Notes: Welcome to today's episode. Today we’re going to talk about one of the foundational aspects of family life: building a safe, secure bond with your spouse and children. This bond forms the bedrock of a thriving family dynamic, providing stability, trust, and emotional security for all members. Join me as we explore why this bond is crucial, how it helps families flourish, and practical steps you can take to strengthen it, especially as we approach the summer months. We'll also touch on healing from past wounds and traumas to improve your current connections with your loved ones. Why a Safe, Secure Bond Matters: The safety and security of the family unit are essential for fostering healthy relationships and overall well-being. When family members feel safe and secure in their relationships, they are more likely to communicate openly, express their emotions freely, and support each other through life's challenges. This bond serves as a foundation for building trust, resilience, and intimacy within the family, creating a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive. "Family is not an important thing. It's everything." - Michael J. Fox Example: Imagine a family where mutual respect and trust form the foundation of their relationships. Children feel safe expressing their emotions, knowing that their parents will listen without judgment. This environment fosters emotional intelligence and resilience in the face of life's challenges. How a Secure Bond Helps Families Thrive: A secure bond between spouses and children lays the groundwork for a connecting and fulfilling family life. It fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance, allowing family members to be their authentic selves without fear of judgment or rejection. This bond provides a framework for effective communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving, enabling families to navigate difficulties with grace and unity. Ultimately, a secure bond cultivates deeper connections, stronger relationships, and greater overall satisfaction within the family unit. "Family is the compass that guides us. It's the inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter." - Brad Henry Example: I know a family that shares experiences and traditions creates strong bonds between generations. Whether it's cooking together, sharing stories, or participating in family rituals, these activities strengthen their family's sense of identity and belonging. Taking Ownership This Summer: As we approach the summer months, consider how you can take intentional steps to strengthen the bond with your spouse and children. Plan activities that promote quality time together, such as family outings, game nights, or shared hobbies (we’re starting tennis because it’s something my son is interested in).  Create opportunities for meaningful conversations and emotional connection (dinner, walks), whether it's through daily check-ins or heartfelt discussions about hopes and dreams. By prioritizing the safety and security of your family relationships, you can lay the groundwork for a fulfilling and thriving summer season. Example: Another family I admire sets aside dedicated time each week for a family adventure, whether it's exploring nature, trying new activities, or volunteering together. This intentional bonding time fosters connection and creates cherished memories for years to come. Healing Past Wounds for Present Connection: For those who may have experienced a lack of safety and security in their upbringing, healing from past wounds is essential for building healthy relationships with your spouse and children. Seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist to process and heal from past traumas. Practice self-compassion and forgiveness, recognizing that you are deserving of love and belonging. By addressing unresolved issues from the past, you can create space for greater intimacy, vulnerability, and connection in your current relationships. (why therapy is important) “Our brains are wired for connection, but trauma rewires them for protection. That’s why healthy relationships are difficult for wounded people.” -Ryan North “Until you heal the wounds of your past, you are going to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work… with sex; but eventually, it will all ooze through and stain your life. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past… and make peace with them.” -Iyania Vanzant Example: I think most of my clients would agree with these quotes. The deeper we go to heal past wounds, the more their able to move from protection and defensiveness to connection and openness.  A secure bond is the cornerstone of a thriving family, providing a safe haven for love to flourish and grow. Healing past wounds is essential for building a foundation of trust and intimacy in your present relationships. By prioritizing the safety and security of your family relationships, you pave the way for deeper connections and greater fulfillment. Tips: Schedule regular family meetings to check in with each other and discuss any concerns or challenges. Practice active listening and empathy to validate your family members' feelings and experiences. Create rituals and traditions that foster a sense of belonging and togetherness within the family. 1% Ways to Build Secure Bonds: Set aside dedicated family time each week for a game night and focus on positivity, laughter, and fun Schedule daily couple check-ins to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences to deepen your bond and understanding of each other (no screens or distractions) Start therapy to heal from past traumas and learn healthy coping mechanisms to support your children's emotional well-being. Building a safe, secure bond with your spouse and children is a journey worth investing in. By prioritizing open communication, emotional connection, and healing from past wounds, you can create a nurturing environment where your family can thrive. As you take ownership of your role in fostering safety and security within your family relationships, you pave the way for deeper connections, greater fulfillment, and the realization of your higher self.   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying
114 | Summer Bonding: Creating Family Traditions Without the Eye-Rolls
May 20 2024
114 | Summer Bonding: Creating Family Traditions Without the Eye-Rolls
Show Notes: Welcome to Episode 114 where we explore the power of family traditions in allowing for lasting connections, joy, and resilience. This episode encourages parents to navigate through the common dread of planning summer activities by understating the importance of simplicity and shared experiences. Get ready to learn how to brainstorm a fun, inclusive, and manageable summer bucket list that caters to the varying interests and age groups in your family. We discuss the need to shift from minimal family interaction towards fostering a strong family bond through diverse activities and events. Tune in to discover practical tips and strategies that not only cater to different age groups, but also minimize complaints, promote enjoyment, and emphasize character development. This episode offers a comprehensive guide on how to balance personal and collective family time, highlighting the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and mutual accommodation. Experience our analysis of how positive and negative attitudes affect family dynamics and understand the importance of emotional regulation, setting boundaries, self-care, and the ability to relax when necessary. Realize the potential of summer traditions serving as the vital glue that holds families together and creates enduring bonds. Embrace the simplicity of summer traditions and the power of involving everyone in the planning process, ensuring everyone feels valued and invested. This episode is a great resource in your journey to strengthen your family bonds, build resilience and create memorable summer traditions that contribute to true and lasting happiness in your family.   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying
113 | My Sexual Abuse Story Part 2: How I Healed & What I Learned
May 16 2024
113 | My Sexual Abuse Story Part 2: How I Healed & What I Learned
Show Notes: Today I’m sharing my sexual abuse story publicly for the first time (part 2 final). It’s raw. It’s real. It’s still hard. Guest co-host Kensi Evans is back to interview me about my experiences. We discuss healing, growth, and challenges that continue even today. Join us to find out how you can heal from your own wounds- AND have patience for yourself and others in their healing journeys.  I hope it helps you in your own healing -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Sexual Abuse My experience:  Neighbor kids abusing me between 3-5.  I remember feeling like it was my fault and I was a burden, so I didn’t share again. Family member abusing me around 5 or 6. Never recovered enough to have a healthy dating life after that until mid-college. “Not that bad” mantra. Rarely talked about it.   4+ in high school that I didn’t see as abuse. I thought it was my fault for getting into the situation.   What helped me find healing?Counseling in undergrad and grad school, talks with husband, A LOT of journaling, trauma therapy / visualizations, VALIDATING my experience, classes, psycho-education   Sexual abuse robs us of our sense of safety and trust, but through healing, we can reclaim our power and rebuild our lives.   Speaking out about sexual abuse is not just an act of courage; it's a vital step towards breaking the cycle of silence and stigma.   Healing from sexual abuse is not a linear journey; it's a series of brave, incremental steps over decades. "It's my fault": Victims often internalize blame for the abuse, feeling responsible for what happened. "I'm damaged": Victims may believe that the abuse has irreparably harmed them, leading to feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy. "I'm alone": Victims may feel isolated, believing that nobody else understands what they're going through or that they're the only ones who have experienced such trauma. "I can't trust anyone": Due to betrayal by the abuser, victims may struggle to trust others, fearing that they'll be hurt again.  (I can’t rely on anyone) "I'm powerless": Victims may feel helpless and powerless, believing they have no control over their lives or their circumstances.       3.What have I learned? The lasting impact of trauma on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The importance of setting and enforcing personal boundaries. (learning the importance of your voice and saying no) The significance of seeking support and finding safe spaces to share experiences. The resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for healing and growth. How our wounds make us who we are–and how scars help us discover our purpose.
112 | My Sexual Abuse Story: How I Healed & What I Learned
May 13 2024
112 | My Sexual Abuse Story: How I Healed & What I Learned
Show Notes: Today I’m sharing my sexual abuse story publicly for the first time. It’s raw. It’s real. It’s still hard. Guest co-host Kensi Evans is back to interview me about my experiences. We discuss healing, growth, and challenges that continue even today. Join us to find out how you can heal from your own wounds- AND have patience for yourself and others in their healing journeys.  I hope it helps you in your own healing -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Sexual Abuse: My experience:  Neighbor kids abusing me between 3-5.  I remember feeling like it was my fault and I was a burden, so I didn’t share again. Family member abusing me around 5 or 6. Never recovered enough to have a healthy dating life after that until mid-college. “Not that bad” mantra. Rarely talked about it.   4+ in high school that I didn’t see as abuse. I thought it was my fault for getting into the situation.   What helped me find healing?Counseling in undergrad and grad school, talks with husband, A LOT of journaling, trauma therapy / visualizations, VALIDATING my experience, classes, psycho-education   Sexual abuse robs us of our sense of safety and trust, but through healing, we can reclaim our power and rebuild our lives.   Speaking out about sexual abuse is not just an act of courage; it's a vital step towards breaking the cycle of silence and stigma.   Healing from sexual abuse is not a linear journey; it's a series of brave, incremental steps over decades. "It's my fault": Victims often internalize blame for the abuse, feeling responsible for what happened. "I'm damaged": Victims may believe that the abuse has irreparably harmed them, leading to feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy. "I'm alone": Victims may feel isolated, believing that nobody else understands what they're going through or that they're the only ones who have experienced such trauma. "I can't trust anyone": Due to betrayal by the abuser, victims may struggle to trust others, fearing that they'll be hurt again.  (I can’t rely on anyone) "I'm powerless": Victims may feel helpless and powerless, believing they have no control over their lives or their circumstances.       3.What have I learned? The lasting impact of trauma on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The importance of setting and enforcing personal boundaries. (learning the importance of your voice and saying no) The significance of seeking support and finding safe spaces to share experiences. The resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for healing and growth. How our wounds make us who we are–and how scars help us discover our purpose.
111 | Life Lost its Luster? Tackling Situational Depression in Ways that Work
May 9 2024
111 | Life Lost its Luster? Tackling Situational Depression in Ways that Work
Show Notes: Today we're tackling situational depression head-on – the natural response to life's curveballs. We’ll explore its impact on personal, marital, and parental life, as well as coping strategies that work. Let’s be honest–we all struggle at times, and this episode wasn't just for my clients–it was for me. Find out how I’m making it through and how you can, too.  Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Navigating Situational Depression: Healing and Growth Section 1: Understanding Situational Depression Definition and characteristics of situational depression. Situational depression, or reactive depression, is a type of depression triggered by stressful life events. Unlike clinical depression, which may happen without a clear cause, situational depression is directly linked to identifiable stressors such as loss of a job, divorce, financial problems, or a serious illness. Symptoms are similar to major depression, like feelings of sadness, hopelessness, irritability, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, and loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. Situational depression is usually time-limited and resolves once the stressful situation improves. Personal experience: situational depression in personal, marital, and parental contexts. (job loss, miscarriages, hospital stays, stay-at-home mom, financial setbacks, child struggles, marriage problems) Situational depression is a natural response to life's challenges, but it doesn't define us. It's a phase, not our identity.   Section 2: Coping Strategies and Impact on Relationships Practical tips for managing situational depression, including giving yourself permission to feel and process emotions. Set Realistic Goals: Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Focus on achievable goals to regain a sense of control and accomplishment.Limit Stressors: Identify and minimize sources of stress where possible. Delegate tasks, establish boundaries, and prioritize responsibilities to reduce overwhelm.Engage in Enjoyable Activities: Participate in hobbies or activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Engaging in pleasurable experiences can boost mood and provide a temporary distraction from stressors.Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and practice mindfulness techniques to ground yourself and reduce rumination on negative thoughts.Maintain Routine: Stick to a daily routine as much as possible. Structure and predictability can provide a sense of stability during turbulent times.Express Yourself Creatively: Explore creative outlets such as writing, painting, or music to express emotions and cope with stress.Stay Connected: Maintain social connections with supportive individuals who uplift and validate your feelings. Even simple interactions can provide comfort and reassurance.   The impact of situational depression on marriage and parenting dynamics. Situational depression can strain marriage and parenting dynamics, leading to increased conflict, communication breakdowns, and emotional distance between partners. In marriage, one or both partners may feel overwhelmed or disconnected, impacting intimacy and mutual support. In parenting, situational depression can affect a parent's ability to engage with their children, leading to decreased involvement, irritability, and difficulty in providing emotional support and stability. Children may also sense changes in their parent's mood and behavior, affecting their own emotional well-being and sense of security within the family unit. Importance of communication in expressing needs and seeking support from loved ones. In the midst of situational depression, it's okay to press pause, hibernate for a bit, and focus on self-care. This is not a sign of weakness but a path to resilience. Section 3: Healing and Moving Forward Strategies for healing from situational depression, such as seeking professional help, engaging in self-care activities, and setting boundaries.Recognizing the role of shame and letting go of self-judgment in the healing process. Seek support and implement positive changes to foster growth and resilience. Healing from situational depression requires compassion, patience, and proactive steps towards self-improvement. It's about embracing the journey of growth and coming back stronger than before.   Section 4: Cultivating Resilience and Well-Being Explore the insights you learned from situational depression and the wins.Explore how you can maintain mental well-being in the long term (school, job change, vacation, class, prayer, time away from home)Prioritize self-care, nurture supportive relationships, and celebrate progress. Through our winters of situational depression, we discover our strength and capacity for growth. Other Mentioned Episodes: The Gift of Anxiety & Depression Seasonal Affective Disorder
110 | When the Unexpected Happens: Understanding, Healing, & Moving Forward in Family Trials
May 6 2024
110 | When the Unexpected Happens: Understanding, Healing, & Moving Forward in Family Trials
Show Notes: Today we dive into the rollercoaster of emotions when life throws unexpected challenges our way. From shock and disbelief to healing and growth, we explore how families can navigate these trials together. Learn practical tips for managing emotions, fostering open communication, and finding fulfillment amidst adversity. Join us as we uncover the resilience within and emerge stronger from life's unexpected twists and turns. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying   Costa Rica Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats
109 | Parenting Power-Up Part 2: Holistic Health Hacks for Busy Moms and Dads
May 2 2024
109 | Parenting Power-Up Part 2: Holistic Health Hacks for Busy Moms and Dads
Show Notes: Join us for a heartfelt conversation with Shan Wright, a fellow parent and podcaster, as we explore holistic parenting tips and her inspiring journey to prioritize whole health for her family. Through Shan's candid experiences, we'll discover actionable insights on nurturing a positive mindset and proactive approach to overcome challenges and find fulfillment in parenthood.Tune in as we share stories, laughter, and wisdom to support each other on this crazy journey of increasing fulfillment in life and parenthood. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Shan Wright https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/holistic-moms-health-and-wellness-tips-christian-mom/id1710946348 @theshanwright bit.ly/holistichacks bit.ly/shanwright for coaching hello@theshanwright.com
108 | Parenting Power-Up: Holistic Health Hacks for Busy Moms and Dads
Apr 29 2024
108 | Parenting Power-Up: Holistic Health Hacks for Busy Moms and Dads
Show Notes: Join us for a heartfelt conversation with Shan Wright, a fellow parent and podcaster, as we explore holistic parenting tips and her inspiring journey to prioritize whole health for her family. Through Shan's candid experiences, we'll discover actionable insights on nurturing a positive mindset and proactive approach to overcome challenges and find fulfillment in parenthood.Tune in as we share stories, laughter, and wisdom to support each other on this crazy journey of increasing fulfillment in life and parenthood. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Shan Wright https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/holistic-moms-health-and-wellness-tips-christian-mom/id1710946348 @theshanwright bit.ly/holistichacks bit.ly/shanwright for coaching hello@theshanwright.com
107 | Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Confidence & Humility in Personal & Family Life
Apr 25 2024
107 | Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Confidence & Humility in Personal & Family Life
Show Notes: Join us today as we dive into the topic of pride, and how it subtly destroys personal and family fulfillment. Learn its antidote and how it will help your relationships thrive. We’ll even talk about the wise, ancient Stoic philosophers, and how they discovered the balance that led to the ultimate fulfillment–or transcendence. Don’t miss it–because these concepts are game changers! Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats  Pride 1: Understanding Pride & its Antidote  Define pride and its manifestations, including healthy and unhealthy forms. Negative Pride: An excessively high opinion of oneself, often accompanied by arrogance and a lack of humility. It can be an inflated sense of your importance, accomplishments, or abilities, leading to a dismissive or condescending attitude towards others. pride  (conceit, boastfulness, superiority, haughtiness, self-importance, egotistical, selfish, vain) Positive Pride: This can look like joy in the accomplishments of others, like your children, or even in your own accomplishments, if it’s not boastful, but grateful. It often has a view of the big picture and how the thing, person, or act can help others and contribute to the world.    Pride can hinder personal growth, relationships, and overall fulfillment as you lose sight of the big picture and how we’re all connected.  To maintain effectiveness, we need to cultivate humility. Pride is the root of many other character flaws like contention, having a hard or stubborn heart, or rebelliousness. Beware of intellectual pride. The role of humility in growth and progression. Success comes as we’re humble and give thanks where it is due. Humility is being modest, unassuming, and not overly self-important. It’s having a realistic and modest view of your importance, abilities, and achievements. There’s often an openness to learning from others and acknowledging one's own limitations. Humility is a lack of arrogance or pride and a willingness to listen, learn, and grow. It is often associated with qualities such as modesty, selflessness, and a sense of gratitude. It’s not getting caught up in the opinions of others.  2: Recognizing Unhealthy Pride Signs of unhealthy pride: defensiveness, unwillingness to admit mistakes, and a sense of superiority. Pride can manifest in parenting, marriages, and personal life, illustrating its detrimental effects. (ex. Parenting- unwillingness to admit mistakes to your children like when you blamed them for making a mess that wasn’t theirs, or in marriage when you refuse to validate your spouse's perspective because you’re angry and stubborn, or in your personal life like at work where you’re not teachable because you don’t see others as being as competent as you are) The Stoics were ancient philosophers who emphasized the importance of developing virtues and maintaining inner tranquility regardless of external circumstances. They believed that pride was a destructive force that led to arrogance, selfishness, and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Instead, they advocated for humility, seeing it as essential for cultivating wisdom, self-awareness, and moral excellence. The Stoics believed in the importance of character refinement, or the ongoing process of improving one's moral and ethical qualities through self-discipline, introspection, and philosophical inquiry. They viewed humility as a key virtue that allowed individuals to recognize their own limitations, embrace their humanity, and strive for personal growth and moral integrity.   3: Healing from Pride We can stay humble by practicing gratitude, seeking feedback, and cultivating a growth mindset, as well as apologizing, and giving credit where it’s due. Openness and vulnerability help overcome pride and foster genuine connections. Share quotes from Marcus Aurelius and Seneca on the importance of humility and self-awareness. 4: Cultivating Personal and Family Fulfillment When we look beyond ourselves, see the big picture, and cultivate gratitude and humility, we move more into a later-added level on Maslow’s pyramid that he called “Transcendence.” This is more spiritual and comes after we’ve found true connection and healing. This is where they transcend their own personal concerns and see from a higher perspective. This is where they experience true joy, peace, and awareness. It’s the highest level of human development, where people are driven to contribute to the greater good and find meaning beyond themselves. People experience a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose by connecting with something larger than themselves, such as serving others, pursuing creative endeavors, or seeking spiritual enlightenment. They prioritize altruism, compassion, and selflessness, striving to make a positive impact on the world and leaving a lasting legacy. This phase involves transcending personal concerns and ego-driven desires to embrace higher values and ideals, leading to a profound sense of fulfillment and inner peace. When we apply this to personal growth, marriage, and parenting, we can see how pride only makes us regress and diminishes our potential and fulfillment.  My clients often ask me how parents can make their own needs a priority when this isn’t selfless or how to become our best selves. I respond by reminding them that each family member has value and each person needs to honor and address their neglected needs. As family leaders, we need to lead by example through healing, validation, and cultivation of gifts and talents while maintaining a balance of confidence and humility, time, energy, and focus on the things that matter most.
106 | The interrupted Life: How Parents Can Find Strength in the Storm, with Lemon Price
Apr 22 2024
106 | The interrupted Life: How Parents Can Find Strength in the Storm, with Lemon Price
Show Notes: Join us for an inspiring episode with Lemon Price, where she shares invaluable insights on maintaining courage and faith amidst life's interruptions. Discover how to lead with authenticity and resilience, even in the face of challenges. Lemon's contagious energy and unwavering faith will leave you feeling empowered to embrace your values and navigate life's twists with grace. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Lemon Price’s Info Website: lemonprice.co Podcast: Milk and Honey with Lemon beacons.ai/lemonprice
105 | The Positivity Myth: How It's Holding You & Your Family Back
Apr 18 2024
105 | The Positivity Myth: How It's Holding You & Your Family Back
Show Notes: Join us as we explore the pitfalls of toxic positivity, and how the pressure to 'stay positive' can harm our mental health and strain our relationships. You’ll learn how to  identify toxic positivity in yourselves and others, and find out how to embrace authentic emotions and cultivate genuine happiness. By challenging the culture of 'good vibes only,' we can create a more resilient family culture that fosters true connection and personal growth, leading us to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Toxic Positivity Definition of toxic positivity: The tendency to excessively focus on positive thinking and emotions, while invalidating or dismissing negative feelings and experiences.Toxic positivity can hinder emotional growth, suppress genuine emotions, and create unrealistic expectations. Identifying Toxic Positivity: Signs and symptoms: Ignoring or minimizing negative emotions, pressure to always be happy, invalidating others' struggles, fear of expressing vulnerability.Real-life examples: “you’re okay” (when child is hurt), “we’re so blessed” (when family is experiencing major heartache), “you’re so lucky that you have food and clothes”, “you don’t know what hard is–think about how our ancestors lived” MESSAGE: Your experience isn’t as valid as others. SHAME follows when anything except positive feelings are experienced. Negative consequences of toxic positivity: Increased stress, feelings of inadequacy, difficulty processing emotions, strained relationships, and lack of authenticity. Toxic positivity may seem harmless, but it can deeply invalidate genuine emotions, hindering true connection and personal growth. Suppressing negative emotions doesn't make them disappear; it only buries them deeper, leading to unresolved conflicts and emotional distress. Healing from Toxic Positivity: Recognizing the need for balance: Embracing both positive and negative emotions as valid parts of the human experience.Practicing self-compassion: Allowing oneself to feel and process emotions without judgment or criticism. Healing from toxic positivity starts with acknowledging that it's okay not to be okay. Give yourself permission to feel and express your emotions authentically. True healing begins when we validate our own experiences and extend compassion to ourselves, recognizing that all emotions have value and deserve acknowledgment. Changing Family Culture: Cultivating open communication: Encouraging honest conversations about emotions, struggles, and challenges within the family.Fostering resilience: Teaching resilience as the ability to navigate both triumphs and setbacks with authenticity and grace. Shifting family culture requires creating a safe space where everyone's feelings are acknowledged and respected, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding. Embracing a growth mindset means embracing the full spectrum of human emotions, allowing for growth and learning in times of adversity. Personal and Family Fulfillment: Embracing authenticity leads to deeper personal fulfillment and stronger family bonds. Authenticity fosters genuine connections and allows us to fully embrace our experiences, leading to greater fulfillment and joy in life. By embracing our true selves and supporting each other authentically, families can thrive and individuals can reach their highest potential.
104 | Part 3: Emotional Regulation: Addressing Stress and Resilience for Parents & Families
Apr 15 2024
104 | Part 3: Emotional Regulation: Addressing Stress and Resilience for Parents & Families
Show Notes: The Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System offer insights into how our bodies respond to stress and social interactions, delineating three distinct states: social engagement, fight or flight, and freeze. As we understand this, we can recognize our physiological reactions and learn better strategies for emotional regulation AND learn to be more resilient. Whether we’re parents trying to create a calmer environment for our families or in our own personal growth journey, understanding these principles unlocks greater well-being and emotional balance in navigating life's challenges. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Polyvagal Theory and ANS   The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS):  A complex network of nerves that regulates involuntary bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It is divided into two main branches: the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the body's fight or flight response during stress, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes rest and relaxation. The ANS plays a crucial role in maintaining physiological balance and responding to environmental stimuli. Polyvagal Theory: Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, provides insights into the role of the vagus nerve in regulating the Autonomic Nervous System and influencing social behavior. The theory proposes that the vagus nerve mediates between different physiological states, including states of safety and connection (social engagement), mobilization (fight or flight), and immobilization (freeze). By understanding these states and their associated physiological responses, individuals can gain awareness of their own emotional and relational experiences, leading to improved self-regulation and interpersonal connections.    3 Tiers:  ventral vagal-safe and social (joy, playful, love, empathy), sympathetic- fight or flight, adrenaline, ACTION state, anxious, hyperactive, lots of tension in body, dorsal vagal- shut down, disconnected, low energy, hopeless, foggy, alone, playing possum, UNABLE to act, shame, inability to self motivate, moving through molasses, in a well, )   Location in the Brain The vagus nerve originates in the brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata Social engagement linked to higher brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex Fight or flight and freeze responses involve the limbic system and brainstem   Manifestation in the Body Social engagement: relaxed facial muscles, steady breathing, open body language Fight or flight: increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tense muscles   When your body perceives danger and assesses you can overcome the threat, it triggers a fight response. This leads to physical readiness for combat as your brain signals your body. Signs of a fight response include a tight jaw, teeth grinding, a strong urge to hit or kick, intense anger, and a burning sensation or pit in the stomach, and an readiness to attack.   When your body perceives danger but assesses you can escape it, you enter flight mode. Hormones like adrenaline fuel your body, allowing you to run longer than usual. Signs include excessive movement, feeling trapped or tense, restlessness, numbness in limbs, and darting eyes. Freeze: immobility, shallow breathing, decreased heart rate (shock) ex. Simon & the candle, Vienna not breathing   The freeze response occurs when your body perceives you can neither fight nor flee from the threat. Signs include a sense of dread, pale skin, stiffness, coldness, numbness, and a loud, pounding heart, followed by a decreasing heart rate. (time slows or stops, you feel far away or distant from others) Fawn: appeasing behavior, seeking approval The fawn response often masks internal distress caused by trauma, especially stemming from childhood abuse, where individuals become overly agreeable to appease their abusers. This reaction, driven by the need for survival, can lead to confusion and guilt, as victims prioritize soothing their abusers over self-protection. Common signs of fawning behavior include overdependence on others' opinions, lack of boundaries, susceptibility to manipulation, and codependency, often stemming from a history of neglect or rejection by narcissistic parents. Ultimately, the fawn response can erode one's sense of identity and perpetuate codependent patterns in adulthood.   Underlying Needs and Meeting Them Social engagement: need for connection, safety, and trust Fight or flight: need for safety and control Freeze: need for protection and dissociation Fawn: need for approval and acceptance   Gaining Awareness and Eliminating Shame Recognizing bodily sensations associated with each response Understanding the role of the ANS in survival (when we understand what state we’re in, we can calm ourselves down before engaging) Using knowledge as a tool for self-regulation and emotional resilience   By understanding the Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System, individuals can gain insight into their physiological responses to stress and learn strategies to regulate their emotions and improve their overall well-being. Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply
103 | Part 2: Emotional Regulation: Addressing Stress and Resilience for Parents & Families
Apr 11 2024
103 | Part 2: Emotional Regulation: Addressing Stress and Resilience for Parents & Families
Show Notes: The Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System offer insights into how our bodies respond to stress and social interactions, delineating three distinct states: social engagement, fight or flight, and freeze. As we understand this, we can recognize our physiological reactions and learn better strategies for emotional regulation AND learn to be more resilient. Whether we’re parents trying to create a calmer environment for our families or in our own personal growth journey, understanding these principles unlocks greater well-being and emotional balance in navigating life's challenges. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Polyvagal Theory and ANS   The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS):  A complex network of nerves that regulates involuntary bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It is divided into two main branches: the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the body's fight or flight response during stress, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes rest and relaxation. The ANS plays a crucial role in maintaining physiological balance and responding to environmental stimuli. Polyvagal Theory: Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, provides insights into the role of the vagus nerve in regulating the Autonomic Nervous System and influencing social behavior. The theory proposes that the vagus nerve mediates between different physiological states, including states of safety and connection (social engagement), mobilization (fight or flight), and immobilization (freeze). By understanding these states and their associated physiological responses, individuals can gain awareness of their own emotional and relational experiences, leading to improved self-regulation and interpersonal connections.    3 Tiers:  ventral vagal-safe and social (joy, playful, love, empathy), sympathetic- fight or flight, adrenaline, ACTION state, anxious, hyperactive, lots of tension in body, dorsal vagal- shut down, disconnected, low energy, hopeless, foggy, alone, playing possum, UNABLE to act, shame, inability to self motivate, moving through molasses, in a well, )   Location in the Brain The vagus nerve originates in the brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata Social engagement linked to higher brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex Fight or flight and freeze responses involve the limbic system and brainstem   Manifestation in the Body Social engagement: relaxed facial muscles, steady breathing, open body language Fight or flight: increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tense muscles   When your body perceives danger and assesses you can overcome the threat, it triggers a fight response. This leads to physical readiness for combat as your brain signals your body. Signs of a fight response include a tight jaw, teeth grinding, a strong urge to hit or kick, intense anger, and a burning sensation or pit in the stomach, and an readiness to attack.   When your body perceives danger but assesses you can escape it, you enter flight mode. Hormones like adrenaline fuel your body, allowing you to run longer than usual. Signs include excessive movement, feeling trapped or tense, restlessness, numbness in limbs, and darting eyes. Freeze: immobility, shallow breathing, decreased heart rate (shock) ex. Simon & the candle, Vienna not breathing   The freeze response occurs when your body perceives you can neither fight nor flee from the threat. Signs include a sense of dread, pale skin, stiffness, coldness, numbness, and a loud, pounding heart, followed by a decreasing heart rate. (time slows or stops, you feel far away or distant from others) Fawn: appeasing behavior, seeking approval The fawn response often masks internal distress caused by trauma, especially stemming from childhood abuse, where individuals become overly agreeable to appease their abusers. This reaction, driven by the need for survival, can lead to confusion and guilt, as victims prioritize soothing their abusers over self-protection. Common signs of fawning behavior include overdependence on others' opinions, lack of boundaries, susceptibility to manipulation, and codependency, often stemming from a history of neglect or rejection by narcissistic parents. Ultimately, the fawn response can erode one's sense of identity and perpetuate codependent patterns in adulthood.   Underlying Needs and Meeting Them Social engagement: need for connection, safety, and trust Fight or flight: need for safety and control Freeze: need for protection and dissociation Fawn: need for approval and acceptance   Gaining Awareness and Eliminating Shame Recognizing bodily sensations associated with each response Understanding the role of the ANS in survival (when we understand what state we’re in, we can calm ourselves down before engaging) Using knowledge as a tool for self-regulation and emotional resilience   By understanding the Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System, individuals can gain insight into their physiological responses to stress and learn strategies to regulate their emotions and improve their overall well-being. Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply
102 | Emotional Regulation: Addressing Stress and Resilience for Parents & Families, with Kensi Evans
Apr 8 2024
102 | Emotional Regulation: Addressing Stress and Resilience for Parents & Families, with Kensi Evans
Show Notes: The Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System offer insights into how our bodies respond to stress and social interactions, delineating three distinct states: social engagement, fight or flight, and freeze. As we understand this, we can recognize our physiological reactions and learn better strategies for emotional regulation AND learn to be more resilient. Whether we’re parents trying to create a calmer environment for our families or in our own personal growth journey, understanding these principles unlocks greater well-being and emotional balance in navigating life's challenges. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Polyvagal Theory and ANS   The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS):  A complex network of nerves that regulates involuntary bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It is divided into two main branches: the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the body's fight or flight response during stress, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes rest and relaxation. The ANS plays a crucial role in maintaining physiological balance and responding to environmental stimuli. Polyvagal Theory: Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, provides insights into the role of the vagus nerve in regulating the Autonomic Nervous System and influencing social behavior. The theory proposes that the vagus nerve mediates between different physiological states, including states of safety and connection (social engagement), mobilization (fight or flight), and immobilization (freeze). By understanding these states and their associated physiological responses, individuals can gain awareness of their own emotional and relational experiences, leading to improved self-regulation and interpersonal connections.    3 Tiers:  ventral vagal-safe and social (joy, playful, love, empathy), sympathetic- fight or flight, adrenaline, ACTION state, anxious, hyperactive, lots of tension in body, dorsal vagal- shut down, disconnected, low energy, hopeless, foggy, alone, playing possum, UNABLE to act, shame, inability to self motivate, moving through molasses, in a well, )   Location in the Brain The vagus nerve originates in the brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata Social engagement linked to higher brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex Fight or flight and freeze responses involve the limbic system and brainstem   Manifestation in the Body Social engagement: relaxed facial muscles, steady breathing, open body language Fight or flight: increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tense muscles   When your body perceives danger and assesses you can overcome the threat, it triggers a fight response. This leads to physical readiness for combat as your brain signals your body. Signs of a fight response include a tight jaw, teeth grinding, a strong urge to hit or kick, intense anger, and a burning sensation or pit in the stomach, and an readiness to attack.   When your body perceives danger but assesses you can escape it, you enter flight mode. Hormones like adrenaline fuel your body, allowing you to run longer than usual. Signs include excessive movement, feeling trapped or tense, restlessness, numbness in limbs, and darting eyes. Freeze: immobility, shallow breathing, decreased heart rate (shock) ex. Simon & the candle, Vienna not breathing   The freeze response occurs when your body perceives you can neither fight nor flee from the threat. Signs include a sense of dread, pale skin, stiffness, coldness, numbness, and a loud, pounding heart, followed by a decreasing heart rate. (time slows or stops, you feel far away or distant from others) Fawn: appeasing behavior, seeking approval The fawn response often masks internal distress caused by trauma, especially stemming from childhood abuse, where individuals become overly agreeable to appease their abusers. This reaction, driven by the need for survival, can lead to confusion and guilt, as victims prioritize soothing their abusers over self-protection. Common signs of fawning behavior include overdependence on others' opinions, lack of boundaries, susceptibility to manipulation, and codependency, often stemming from a history of neglect or rejection by narcissistic parents. Ultimately, the fawn response can erode one's sense of identity and perpetuate codependent patterns in adulthood.   Underlying Needs and Meeting Them Social engagement: need for connection, safety, and trust Fight or flight: need for safety and control Freeze: need for protection and dissociation Fawn: need for approval and acceptance   Gaining Awareness and Eliminating Shame Recognizing bodily sensations associated with each response Understanding the role of the ANS in survival (when we understand what state we’re in, we can calm ourselves down before engaging) Using knowledge as a tool for self-regulation and emotional resilience   By understanding the Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System, individuals can gain insight into their physiological responses to stress and learn strategies to regulate their emotions and improve their overall well-being. Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply
Apr 4 2024
Show Notes: In this episode, we explore Sue Johnson's book "Hold Me Tight," transformational tools on improving romantic relationships. By understanding attachment theory and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), couples can learn to communicate better, break negative patterns, and build deeper connections. Get ready for expert tips, tools to navigate conflicts, ways to strengthen bonds, and simple solutions to create a more fulfilling relationship TODAY! Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes:   All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    Quotes from "Hold Me Tight", by Sue Johnson "The dance of love requires two partners, moving in harmony, attuned to each other's needs and emotions.""Emotional closeness is the foundation of a secure and fulfilling relationship.""When we feel safe to express our vulnerabilities, we create opportunities for deeper intimacy and connection." Five Main Tips for Couples Prioritize emotional connection: Make time to connect emotionally with your partner daily, expressing love, appreciation, and understanding.Practice active listening: Listen to your partner's feelings and concerns without judgment, validating their experiences and showing empathy.Foster vulnerability: Share your own emotions and vulnerabilities with your partner, creating a safe space for mutual openness and acceptance.Break negative cycles: Recognize and interrupt negative patterns of interaction, replacing them with positive communication and behaviors.Seek professional help when needed: Don't hesitate to reach out to a couples therapist trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy for guidance and support in strengthening your relationship. Couple Cycle & Repair Worksheet Steps Here
100 | LIGHTEN UP! How Humor Can Transform Families & Build Legacies
Apr 1 2024
100 | LIGHTEN UP! How Humor Can Transform Families & Build Legacies
Welcome to today's episode, where we celebrate our 100th EPISODE and explore the power of humor therapy and the lighthearted tradition of April Fools' Day–my favorite holiday! Humor has long been celebrated for its ability to uplift, strengthen bonds, and promote well-being. Join me as we talk about the benefits of humor for individuals and families, and discover how laughter can bring joy, health, and unity into our lives. Not only that--but dont miss MAJOR GIVEAWAYS and hilarious stories (and ideas) that you can put into place today!   FIND OUR EXTENSIVE PRANKS ON FB & IG CHANNELS BELOW!! OR 48 Hours only, get $100 Off Coaching with Code 100 EPISODES, in celebration of airing our 100th episode today! That’s 80-85% off simply as a big THANK YOU! The offer ends on April 3rd.    Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Private Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Facebook Public Page → https://bit.ly/496RPs6  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy Humor Notes: Brief History of April Fools' Day: April Fools' Day, celebrated on April 1st each year, is a lighthearted day of pranks and practical jokes. Its believed to have originated in various cultures like ancient Rome and medieval Europe. One popular theory links April Fools' Day to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century when New Year's Day was moved from April 1st to January 1st. Those who continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1st became the subject of jokes and hoaxes, thus giving rise to the tradition of April Fools' Day. The Benefits of Humor: Humor therapy, also known as therapeutic humor, is a recognized form of complementary medicine that harnesses the healing power of laughter. Research has shown that laughter can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It reduces stress hormones, boosts the immune system, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances mood. As Victor Borge famously said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." Humor has the remarkable ability to unite people and strengthen relationships, making it a valuable tool for families seeking to cultivate joy and connection in their homes. Incorporating More Fun Into Your Home: There are simple ways to infuse humor and laughter into your family life. Create a humor board or jar filled with funny quotes, jokes, or anecdotes that family members can add to and enjoy together. Plan regular family game nights or movie marathons featuring comedies (like Studio C) that everyone can laugh along with. Encourage playful banter and light-hearted teasing among family members, always ensuring that it's done with love and respect. Preventing Humor or Pranks from Backfiring: While humor can be a powerful tool for bonding, it's important to approach it with sensitivity and awareness of others' feelings. Before playing a prank or sharing a joke, consider the potential impact it may have and whether it aligns with everyone's sense of humor. Avoid jokes that could be hurtful, offensive, or triggering to family members. Remember, healthy humor brings joy and laughter without causing harm or distress. (some of my cousins think all pranks are mean because for them, it’s drawing unwanted attention to them) Now let’s talk about some examples of what NOT to do: heal nachos, hairy brownies, frozen wild boar, snake skin sandwich, find the toenails, 3am horror sounds on alexa, Gorky in shower, yucky potion drink, shock mat, shock collar, sticky floors,  Unifying Families Through Laughter: Healthy humor and laughter have the remarkable ability to unify families, creating shared moments of joy and connection. When families laugh together, they form bonds that strengthen their relationships and carry them through both joyful and challenging times. As John Cleese once said, "I'm struck by how laughter connects you with people. It's almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you're just howling with laughter." By embracing laughter and humor in all its forms, families can find resilience, strength, and joy in each other's company. It softens hearts, and changes the atmosphere. We often use it as a tool to get our kids to let go or grudges or stubbornness. When we can get them to laugh or smile, everyone moves on in healthier ways.  I thought my kids would hate me after they got mad at some pranks, but they beg for it now. They like to brag to their friends about how mischievous I am, and with all the ways I’m trying to improve in my life, I’m pretty sure one of my most lasting legacies will be my pranks and my childhood glee that comes out when I’m pranking people.  Pranks TO DO: mustard donuts, mustard oreos, heart butt patches, salty sour patch kids, taped nozzle, sardine cupcakes, Gorky in closet, vinegar water, soap popsicle, caramel onion, flour plate prank, dog poo Conclusion: As we celebrate April Fools' Day and the gift of laughter, let us remember the profound impact that humor can have on our lives. Whether through jokes, pranks, or playful banter, humor has the power to uplift our spirits, strengthen our bonds, and bring joy into our homes. By incorporating more fun and laughter into our family lives, we can create a nurturing environment where love, laughter, and togetherness thrive. So, let's embrace the laughter, share a smile, and celebrate the joy of being together with those we love.
99 | Top 10: MOST Memorable Episodes & Moments from Fulfillment Therapy's First 99 Episodes
Mar 28 2024
99 | Top 10: MOST Memorable Episodes & Moments from Fulfillment Therapy's First 99 Episodes
Show Notes: Come check out our MOST MEMORABLE moments and episodes since airing! Find out what resonated most with listeners and why. Want to listen to the most impactful episodes and learn WHY they are changing lives? Tune in to find out why and look below for links to each episode.   Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes:   All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    MOST LOVED Episodes: 1. 1 | How to Find Fulfillment, Purpose, and Meaning in your Life https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/01-how-to-find-fulfillment-purpose-and-meaning-in-your-life/id1682479961?i=1000611077016 2. 56 | Part 1: Speaking Your Truth: Using Your Voice to Heal Shame and Resentment https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/56-part-1-speaking-your-truth-using-your-voice-to-heal/id1682479961?i=1000633051111 3. 40 | Part 1: Life Lessons Unleashed: A Listener’s Path to Transformation https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/40-part-1-life-lessons-unleashed-a-listeners-path/id1682479961?i=1000626665969 4. 02 | The Cycle of Anxiety: 10 tips on Leaning into Overwhelm, Normalizing Fear, and Finding the Courage to Grow https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/02-the-cycle-of-anxiety-10-tips-on-leaning/id1682479961?i=1000611275177 5. 10 | Creating Boundaries: How to SET, ENFORCE, and MAINTAIN them so you can STOP Being a Pushover & Start Gaining Self Respect https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10-creating-boundaries-how-to-set-enforce-and/id1682479961?i=1000613951932 6. 16 | Understanding Cultural Laws, Fence Laws, and the Spirit and Letter of the Law https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/16-understanding-cultural-laws-fence-laws-and-the/id1682479961?i=1000616602892 7. 61 | Part 1: The Guilt-Free Mom: Balancing Your Needs and Family Demands https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/61-part-1-the-guilt-free-mom-balancing-your-needs/id1682479961?i=1000635011960 8. 66 | Meeting Your Unmet Needs, Guilt-Free, Without Neglecting your Family & Values https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/66-meeting-your-unmet-needs-guilt-free-without-neglecting/id1682479961?i=1000637399341 9. 76 | Brighter Days Ahead: Tackling Winter Blues for Parents & Families https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/76-brighter-days-ahead-tackling-winter-blues-for-parents/id1682479961?i=1000640874803 10. 54 | Part 1: Transforming Stress: Own Your Morning & Elevate Your Life https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/54-part-1-transforming-stress-own-your-morning-elevate/id1682479961?i=1000632245996 BONUS: 75 | The Art of Impactful Goals: Building Your Ideal Future & Making a Lasting Difference While Parenting https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/75-the-art-of-impactful-goals-building-your-ideal/id1682479961?i=1000640510611
98 | 5 Ways to STOP Power Struggles: Parenting Strategies for Handling Strong-Willed Children
Mar 25 2024
98 | 5 Ways to STOP Power Struggles: Parenting Strategies for Handling Strong-Willed Children
Show Notes: In this episode, we're delving into Dr. James Dobson's "The New Strong-Willed Child," a must-read for parents navigating the joys and challenges of raising strong-willed kids. With practical advice and real-world examples, Dobson empowers parents to build stronger connections, set boundaries, and guide their children with love and understanding. Tune in for tips on transforming everyday struggles into opportunities for growth, fostering harmony, and nurturing a thriving family dynamic. Enjoy! -Kendra   Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Contact → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy  Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy  Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching  Chat → 1-855-542-8008 *Get questions answered before buying Save on the $600 off the flash sale! Apply the code SAVE600 to get $600 off our last flash sale for the Costa Rican Retreat when you sign up on FulfillmentTherapy.org.    Our Adventure & Personal Growth Retreat includes: All-Inclusive 6 Day & 6 Night Stay in Costa Rica Luxurious Private Villa overlooking Bay Enjoy Latin Cuisine as our Private Chef prepares 3 meals / Day  & Drinks at our Unlimited Open Bar (fancy non-alcoholic drinks included) Airport shuttle To & From Included Professional Therapists / Coaches & Expert Team Women’s, Men’s, and Couples Retreat at Neighboring Villas 5 Specially Created Fulfillment Meditation Sessions Immersive Training to Elevate your Relationships & Personal Life Transformative Meditation sessions and yoga Private Villa is a short Walk from a Quiet, Beautiful Beach (rare for most retreats) Breathtaking, Unforgettable Excursion in Nature like Ziplining, Hanging Bridges in the Rainforest, a 1500 ft Jungle Water Slide, Waterfall Hikes, Hot Springs, Volcanic Mud Baths, Snorkeling with Sea Life Sailing, Surfing, Aquatic Adventures, Saunas, and even more… Breakthrough Fulfillment Workshops + Coaching, Professional workbooks and resources 1 Week Pre-Retreat Virtual Integration Materials  Costa Rican Retreats    New Strong-willed Child, by Dr. James Dobson Quotes: "Strong-willed children often possess remarkable qualities of leadership and determination, which, when properly nurtured, can lead to great success in life.""Parenting a strong-willed child is not about breaking their spirit, but guiding their energy towards positive outcomes.""The key to parenting a strong-willed child lies in finding the balance between firmness and empathy, setting boundaries while remaining emotionally connected.""Understanding the underlying motivations and needs of strong-willed children is essential for effective discipline and communication.""Parenting a strong-willed child is a journey of growth and learning for both parent and child, requiring patience, resilience, and unconditional love." Top 5 Tips: 1. Choose your battles wisely, focusing on essential issues and being flexible on less critical matters.2. Stay calm and composed during conflicts, modeling emotional regulation and problem-solving skills for your child.3. Offer choices whenever possible to empower your strong-willed child and encourage cooperation.4. Seek support from other parents or professionals who have experience with strong-willed children, gaining insights and strategies for managing challenging behaviors.5. Celebrate and affirm your child's strengths and accomplishments regularly, building their self-esteem and confidence. New Strong-willed Child