Day of the Dead (1985) / Good Late Sequels [S03E15]

The Podcast That Challenged The World

May 4 2021 • 1 hr 4 mins

Tommy and Skippy discuss the underrated Romero dystopian zombie thriller 'Day of the Dead' from 1985. We also talk about good sequels that came late in a franchise's history.

00:50 - Good Late Sequels
26:39 - Movie Discussion: Day of the Dead (1985)


tags: exorcist 3, x-Men, days of future past, mad max, fury road, frankenstein must be destroyed, clerks 2, rogue nation, mission impossible, gamera 3, revenge of iris, kaiju, terminator salvation, heisei, death wish 4, creed, wes craven, new nightmare, day of the dead, george romero, 1985,