That Full Body “Yes” with Human Design Generator Wendy Harvey

Design and Align Your Business Podcast

May 14 2024 • 35 mins

Are you shouting a full-body “YES” to the direction your business is taking, or does the thought alone feel draining? Today we are chatting with intuitive life coach Wendy Harvey, who shares her eye-opening journey from feeling misaligned in her career to discovering her true calling through the power of human design. We are peeling back the layers of how aligning your career with your human design can not only improve your work but also ignite deep-seated passions and purpose.  Join us in exploring Wendy's profound transition from a place of feeling lost in her career to embodying her role as a coach, fueled by her full body “yes” moment.  Key Takeaways: - Wendy's pivotal experiences from feeling lost to finding her passion - Practical steps for using human design to guide your career choices - The transformative impact of authenticity in attracting success - Tips on following what truly lights you up for long-term satisfaction and success - Encouraging advice for those transitioning in their lives and careers More about Wendy: Wendy Harvey lives in Colorado with her husband and 3 kids. She is an Intuitive Life Coach working to empower women learn how to reclaim their confidence and rediscover their self- love. She has always loved helping people, and being a life coach is completely in alignment with who she is meant to be in this life. Currently, she is working on her coaching certification, where she will graduate with certifications for 8 different modalities.  Connect with Wendy: IG: Wendy’s Self Care Challenge: View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour: