Design and Align Your Business Podcast

Anna Nichols

Are you ready to unlock your limitless potential and create a business that you love? Whether that’s knowing how to attract the right clients that already want what you have to offer or creating programs that you feel confident selling and delivering, your business needs to be in alignment with who you truly are in order to be successful. All the business strategies work my friends, the key is figuring out which ones are the right ones for you! This is why we are going to dive into Human Design to help you create your aligned business more quickly and easily! In this podcast, we are going to explore the magic of Human Design alongside proven business strategies to help you design and align your business. This is the place to be if you want a spark of fresh energy in your business so you can truly make the positive impact you desire. Hold on tight my friends, it’s going to be an amazing journey! read less


Making Decisions in my Business using my Sacral Authority
5d ago
Making Decisions in my Business using my Sacral Authority
Are you ready to transform the way you make decisions in your business? This week on the podcast, we dive into the power of human design and how it can guide you to the next steps in your entrepreneurial journey. Join me as we explore practical and spiritual strategies to align your business structure with your true self. Discover how to navigate the complexities of modern business, and learn to make decisions from an aligned place. In this episode, I share my personal journey as a 5/2 Generator with a sacral authority, detailing how I used my human design to overcome decision paralysis and gain clarity on my business's evolution. You'll find valuable insights and actionable steps that apply to any authority type. Learn how to break down your business into manageable parts, ask the right questions, and allow your strategy and authority to guide you towards success. In This Episode: The importance of aligning your business decisions with your human design Practical steps to evolve your business structure using sacral authority How to create an organizational chart that reflects your business needs and goals The role of technology in supporting your business growth Techniques to integrate spirituality and strategy for a truly aligned business blueprint Don't miss this chance to revolutionize your approach to business decisions and build a foundation that supports both your entrepreneurial and personal growth. Tune in and get ready to take your business to the next level! View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour:
Embracing Her Design in Biz with 6/2 Manifesting Generator Nichole Chapis
May 21 2024
Embracing Her Design in Biz with 6/2 Manifesting Generator Nichole Chapis
Ready to elevate your business by tapping into your unique strengths? In this episode, we chat with Nichole Chapis, dynamic CEO of Stargazer Creative and a magnetic 6/2 Manifesting Generator. Nichole shares how embracing her defined throat center unlocked the true potential of her voice. Discover how her self-awareness and alignment transformed her marketing and networking, inspiring countless entrepreneurs. Learn how tuning into energizing forces can boost success and fulfillment in your business. Don’t miss this insightful conversation on harnessing human design for business growth! Key Takeaways: - The importance of intentional networking and the impact in business - Understanding Nichole’s journey and how human design shaped her approach - How to avoid the 'bro energy' pitfalls in networking - The concept and power of a 'caves environment' for focus and productivity - Leveraging Nichole’s marketing expertise to curate your networking efforts - Real-life examples of success through alignment and intentionality Connect with Nichole IG: @stargazercreativema ( View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour:
BONUS EPISODE: Letting Go, Leaning In, and Learning to Trust Myself
May 14 2024
BONUS EPISODE: Letting Go, Leaning In, and Learning to Trust Myself
This episode almost didn’t make it out into the world. I had recorded this with the intention of putting this into the universe on May 14th for reasons that you’ll learn as you listen. Imposter syndrome almost stopped me but I know that this is message that needs to be shared! Have you ever felt like you’re standing on the edge of something incredibly exciting, yet absolutely terrifying? That’s exactly where I am, and today, I’m ready to share a secret that I’ve been keeping close to my heart. It’s time to unveil the next season in my business journey, and you're hearing it here first!  Ready to dive deep into trusting your business instincts? In this episode of "Design and Align Your Business Podcast," I'm laying it all out on how I embraced human design to reshape my business journey and learn to lean fully into my own intuition.  From battling doubts to breaking through conditioning, I reveal how trusting myself fundamentally changed my approach to entrepreneurship. If you’re teetering on the edge of embracing your unique capabilities or feeling stuck in the traditional ways of building your business, this one’s for you.  I’m also sharing for the first time every my brand new business venture. Tune in as I share the shifts and strategies that made all the difference—let’s get you in sync with your spiritual and business alignment! In this episode we cover: - The transformative power of integrating human design into entrepreneurship - My personal journey from resistance to alignment in using human design principles - Practical tips on how you can start trusting yourself more in your business decisions - Experiences that highlight the importance of aligning life purpose with business strategies - Insights on balancing personal, family, and business life while staying true to your inner callings - Announcement of a new evolution in my business that could change the way spiritual entrepreneurs operate View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour:
That Full Body “Yes” with Human Design Generator Wendy Harvey
May 14 2024
That Full Body “Yes” with Human Design Generator Wendy Harvey
Are you shouting a full-body “YES” to the direction your business is taking, or does the thought alone feel draining? Today we are chatting with intuitive life coach Wendy Harvey, who shares her eye-opening journey from feeling misaligned in her career to discovering her true calling through the power of human design. We are peeling back the layers of how aligning your career with your human design can not only improve your work but also ignite deep-seated passions and purpose.  Join us in exploring Wendy's profound transition from a place of feeling lost in her career to embodying her role as a coach, fueled by her full body “yes” moment.  Key Takeaways: - Wendy's pivotal experiences from feeling lost to finding her passion - Practical steps for using human design to guide your career choices - The transformative impact of authenticity in attracting success - Tips on following what truly lights you up for long-term satisfaction and success - Encouraging advice for those transitioning in their lives and careers More about Wendy: Wendy Harvey lives in Colorado with her husband and 3 kids. She is an Intuitive Life Coach working to empower women learn how to reclaim their confidence and rediscover their self- love. She has always loved helping people, and being a life coach is completely in alignment with who she is meant to be in this life. Currently, she is working on her coaching certification, where she will graduate with certifications for 8 different modalities.  Connect with Wendy: IG: Wendy’s Self Care Challenge: View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour:
A Manifestor's Mission to Trusting Her Design with Ana Robles
Apr 23 2024
A Manifestor's Mission to Trusting Her Design with Ana Robles
In this eye-opening episode of the Design and Align Podcast,I am sitting down with the inspiring Ana Robles, a Human Design 1/4 Manifestor, NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, to unpack the transformative power of human design in both personal development and entrepreneurial success. Join us as we explore the art of visualization, human design, and the profound impact of self-trust in manifesting a new reality. Ana shares her personal journey of embracing her unique design to attract more than just clients—she attracts the right *energetic matches* that pave the way for business growth and personal fulfillment. From a dream-chasing property purchase that aligned perfectly with her vision board to a $14 chandelier that sparkled with the energy of manifestation, Ana's stories will ignite a fire within you to dive into the world of human design. Grab a cup of your favorite brew and settle in as we discuss: Why understanding human design can be the missing key to creating deeper connections and attracting abundance in business. The magic behind focusing on one aspect of your design to transform relationships and manifest desires. The gentle art of letting go of clients who don't align with your energy and embracing the abundance of those who do. More about Ana: Meet Ana Robles, the visionary behind Yo Soy Amazing. With a wealth of knowledge as an NLP Trainer, Master Practitioner of NLP, Master Practitioner in Time Line Therapy, NLP Coach and Certified Business Coach, Ana is a true expert in the science of mindset and achieving success in both business and life. Her passion lies in coaching business professionals and individuals, empowering them to unlock their full potential and turn their dreams into reality. Whether in group settings or individual one-on-one sessions, Ana dives deep into the realms of career, entrepreneurship, and personal life, seeking to find the perfect balance. She works tirelessly to improve relationships, clarify goals and dreams, enhance productivity, and ultimately boost bottom lines and profitability. Ana’s journey hasn’t been without its own challenges. She intimately understands the struggle of pretending everything is okay when it’s not. However, she found the courage to dream once again and redefine herself. Ana knows the power of delving deep within, mastering self-talk, and shattering limitations to craft the life she always yearned for. Through her personal experiences, Ana discovered her true purpose and ignited a burning passion to help others reignite their dreams and find hope once more. As a highly trained and experienced NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, Ana has the remarkable ability to guide individuals on their path to becoming the best versions of themselves. She understands precisely where you are and what you’re going through, and she wholeheartedly believes in your potential to effortlessly shift into action and create an extraordinary life, where excellence becomes your norm. Connect with Ana: Instagram: @yo_soy_amazing ( LinkedIn: Download Ana’s Freebie: View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour:
A Generator's Guidance on Designing an Aligned Offer with Victoria D'Ambrozio
Apr 16 2024
A Generator's Guidance on Designing an Aligned Offer with Victoria D'Ambrozio
Today on the podcast, I'm thrilled to be joined by the incredible Victoria D’Ambrosio, a mindset and manifestation coach who specializes in empowering online coaches and service-based businesses. We are chatting about Victoria's journey and her decision to transition from one-on-one sessions to the concept of membership models in her business. Amidst mixed feelings and aiming for alignment, we explore how internal work and cueing into her human design helped Victoria gain clarity and create a model that resonates with her soul.  Join us for an enlightening discussion on stepping outside of conventional frameworks, the role of intuition in business decisions, and how Anna and Victoria both utilize human design to guide their entrepreneurial ventures. This episode is a must-listen for any business owner looking to blend creativity, human design, and personal well-being into their growth strategy.  Key Takeaways: The process of internal work and subconscious reprogramming Encouragement to step outside the box and draw inspiration from diverse industries.  Victoria's move in overcoming limiting beliefs in her clients. The significance of intuitive responses and waiting for a "full body" yes. How human design led to breakthroughs in Victoria's program development. More about Victoria: Victoria is a mindset and subconscious reprogramming coach who helps online business owners identify their subconscious money blocks so they can manifest more money and success into their business. Connect with Victoria: IG: Tiktok: Youtube: Podcast: The Mindset Edit View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour: Connect with Anna Nichols: Instagram: @iamannanichols (
My Personal Story of Chaos Before Expansion
Apr 9 2024
My Personal Story of Chaos Before Expansion
As entrepreneurs, we have all experienced a moment where everything feels like it’s been flipped on its head. We can either continue on the path we are on or choose to make some changes. Today I’m sharing a vulnerable story of when I realized that I was facing a big change I needed to make - what I like to call “The Crossroads of Expansion.”  I’m talking candidly about the period of upheaval and introspection that led me to crucial realizations about my life purpose, human design, and knowing that it was time to make a change. While enduring a taxing time juggling my entrepreneurial vision and family life, I experienced triggering conversations that mirrored my inner conflicts about pace and progress.  This episode is a testament to the power of alignment, rest, self-care, and courage in embracing growth opportunities. Whether you seek to apply human design in business or find solace in the shared struggles of entrepreneurship, today I offer a guiding light through the chaos of expansion towards the clarity of a new direction. In this episode: Chasing visions, overcoming fears, seeking growth opportunities. Struggling to move forward and seeking support. Striving for understanding in the face of criticism. Internal beliefs impact reality; entrepreneurship over stability. Frustrations about moving fast and imposter syndrome. Entrepreneur finds unexpected emotional release during rest. Crying allowed release, led to relief, clarity. View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour: Connect with Anna Nichols: Instagram: @iamannanichols (
The Crossroads of Expansion: The Decision To Level Up Your Business
Apr 2 2024
The Crossroads of Expansion: The Decision To Level Up Your Business
Are you ready to transform your business and align your entrepreneurial vision with your unique strengths? Today’s episode “The Crossroads of Expansion: The Decision to Level Up Your Business offers an empowering deep dive into the pivotal moments that define the future of your business. Host Anna Nichols invites you to explore the transformative crossroads where change becomes the key to leveling up to new business heights. With personal stories that capture the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit, Anna guides you through the process of tailoring your business goals to reflect your core values, rather than falling into external pressures of success. Learn how the natural flow of business can inform your journey, and how challenges, much like the flow of water, eventually pave the path to smoother seas.  This episode touches upon the significance of human design in crafting an Aligned Business Blueprint, central to Anna's acclaimed program, set to streamline your entrepreneurial activities.. Tune in to discover how you can effortlessly synchronize your business strategy with your human design for a thriving, impact-driven venture. Key Topics: Understanding the "crossroads of expansion" for entrepreneurs Recognizing the need for change to reach new levels of success Assessing and realigning goals to match personal values How societal expectations influence entrepreneurial decisions Strategies to overcome conditioning and focus on authentic desires Identifying sources of resistance in business operations View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Design Your Aligned Business PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour: Connect with Anna Nichols: Instagram: @iamannanichols (
A Projector's Path to More Rest and More Profit with Heather Benningsdorf
Mar 26 2024
A Projector's Path to More Rest and More Profit with Heather Benningsdorf
Today I am catching up with Heather Benningsdorf, a licensed acupuncturist and Reiki master from Enlightened Wellness. We are going to dive deep into the transformative journey of leveraging human design for projectors in the business world. Heather shares her inspiring transition from traditional medicine to the world of holistic health specializing in acupuncture and Reiki. Learn more about how when Heather uncovered her Human Design and how that played a the pivotal role in the understanding of her projector nature to help her achieve work-life balance, business growth, and personal well-being. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for entrepreneurs eager to uncover their unique gifts, attract the right clients, and confidently drive their businesses toward success. Learn how embracing your human design can spark energy, creativity, and alignment in your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting, Heather's story of transformation, growth, and the power of rest will inspire you to design and align your business with your authentic self. More about Heather: Heather grew up knowing that she wanted to be able to help people and found that passion in Acupuncture and Reiki. She earned her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture in 2018 and has given over 6,000 acupuncture treatments in her 5+ years of experience. She recently became a Reiki Master as well after practicing over 8 years. As a Projector, she is learning how to use her voice to help those around her while appreciating her need for rest. She has continued her healing journey and is so excited for her future! Key Takeaways: The Importance of Rest for Projectors Mindset and Subconscious Work Networking and Community Engagement Tuning into your human design and uncovering your strengths Growth and Income Increase Trust in the Universe and Intuition View the full show notes for this episode here: Resources: Connect with Heather: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @enlightened.wellness Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide: Get Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour: Connect with Anna Nichols: Instagram: @iamannanichols (
A Mani Gen's Journey to Designing an Aligned Business with Lauren McLoughlin
Mar 19 2024
A Mani Gen's Journey to Designing an Aligned Business with Lauren McLoughlin
Tune in to the Design and Align Your Business podcast for our first guest episode with Lauren McLoughlin - a 1-3 Manifestor Generator with a sacral authority. We are chatting about her business today and how human design has helped her learn more about herself, and impacted her business. Lauren, a former teacher turned business consultant, shares her personal journey of leveraging her unique 'zone of genius' to create intuitive systems that foster creativity and growth. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a masterclass in aligning your business practices with your personal strengths and values for sustainable success.Whether you're struggling to identify your unique abilities or looking for ways to attract the right clients confidently, Anna and Lauren offer practical insights and actionable strategies that will help you navigate the future of your business with ease. From discussing the importance of recognizing specific talents to exploring the impact of human design on entrepreneurship, this episode is packed with valuable lessons on growth, creativity, and alignment.Key Takeaways: Human design is your shortcut to learning about yourself The Role of Systems for Creativity and Growth Intuitive Systems and Personal Alignment Learning and Adaptability About Lauren:Lauren is a former teacher turned business consultant and mom of 2 from Vancouver Canada. After creating a teaching resource membership, Lauren started helping teachers stop working evenings and weekends. While she loved coaching and teaching, her true passion lies in business! Now Lauren helps digital business owners- coaches, consultants course creators and online experts - set up the right systems in their business so that they can help more people without burning out. She's also the host of the Align and Inspire podcast- a podcast designed to help you build a business that's in alignment for you so you can go out and inspire and help more people!View the full show notes for this episode here: with Lauren:Instagram: into her new podcast Align and Inspire - launching soon!Download Laurens Freebie: out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
Growing an Aligned Business Through Your Human Design
Mar 12 2024
Growing an Aligned Business Through Your Human Design
In this episode, we're breaking down the steps for entrepreneurs to discover their unique talents and leverage them to attract the right clients. We'll explore five key elements – your type, profile, centers, incarnation cross, and environment – that play a crucial role in aligning your business with your authentic self.I'll also be sharing valuable tips on effective communication for your business, ensuring every aspect resonates with your genuine identity.Get ready for an insightful journey. Tune in, and let's take your business alignment to the next level!Download my PDF guide HERE ( to help guide you through this episode and learn more about yourself.Key Takeaways: Finding a suitable growth strategy for your business Five Steps to Grow an Aligned Business Human design tips to consider when creating an aligned business: understanding your type, profile, centers, incarnation cross, and environment. Join the next cohort of the Aligned Business Blueprint Program! View the full show notes for this episode here: Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide for Episode 18: Your Aligned Biz Blueprint Q&A Call : Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
What do you need to do to truly succeed in business?
Mar 5 2024
What do you need to do to truly succeed in business?
Ever wondered why certain strategies work for some but not for others? Join me on the latest episode of Design and Align Your Business Podcast, where I’m sharing what you need to do to truly succeed in business.This episode throws out the rulebook on growing a business. I’m talking about a common struggle we all face: having an awesome gift but feeling lost in all of the business strategies. The big lesson? Trust yourself to create a business plan that works for you—no more one-size-fits-all!I am sharing some real-life stories that prove aligning your business strategies with your human design is the secret to success. Forget generic advice; it's all about finding your unique gifts. Learn how to spice up your approach by blending human design and gene keys into your business.This week’s podcast episode will encourage (and hopefully inspire) you to embrace your uniqueness, trust your gut, and create a business plan that's as special as you are. Key Takeaways: Success starts by trusting your instincts and leveraging your unique talents. Intentionally design a business plan that aligns with your unique human design for lasting success. Question one-size-fits-all approaches; embrace the uniqueness of your entrepreneurial path. Utilize human design and gene keys for tailored business strategies that resonate with your individuality. View the full show notes for this episode here: Your Human Design Chart: Join my Human Design Happy Hour: Check out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
Embracing Excitement and Discomfort in Business Expansion
Feb 27 2024
Embracing Excitement and Discomfort in Business Expansion
Growth can be scary! Who else agrees? This week on the podcast I’m talking all about expansion in your life and business. I’ll be sharing why expansion is fundamental to achieving your entrepreneurial dreams, revenue goals, and attracting your ideal clients. The concept of expansion is the key action that propels you to become larger, to hold more, and to receive more. Whether it's at an energetic or business level, this episode discusses the critical role of expansion in your journey as an entrepreneur.Drawing insights from the powerful discussions at my Human Design Happy Hour, I’m exploring the real experiences of women striving to achieve their business goals. Gain a deep understanding of how expansion acts as a catalyst for bringing in the clients you desire, growing your programs, increasing visibility, and achieving larger revenue goals.Tune in for a captivating exploration of the dual nature of expansion—excitement and discomfort—and how embracing this discomfort is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey. Uncover the secrets to navigating discomfort and stepping into the most authentic and expansive version of yourself. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs seeking to break free from limitations, design their aligned businesses, and elevate their journey to the next level. Key Takeaways: Expansion is the key to goals, clients, and revenue Human Design Happy Hour: Insights from networking, applying human design to business expansion. Excitement and discomfort are normal in the expansion process. Discomfort is a normal part of change, it’s our subconscious resistance to new choices. View the full show notes for this episode here: Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
Letting Go of Unaligned Strategies
Feb 20 2024
Letting Go of Unaligned Strategies
Welcome to today's podcast, where we're diving into the power of letting go in your business. Ever felt tied to strategies that pull you away from alignment? Today, we're leaning in to change to open doors to new, aligned opportunities. I'll share stories illustrating how this shift can transform your business.I break down exactly what is a business strategy, emphasizing the need for ones that authentically resonate with you. Learn to recognize when a strategy no longer aligns with your personal and business growth.Learn about the three steps of gracefully parting ways with unaligned strategies: Clarity – pinpoint the elements needing attention, Release – bid farewell to what doesn't serve you, and Design and Align – craft a strategic plan that resonates.Key Takeaways: The importance of letting go How to recognize unalignment based on your human design type The Three-Step Process: Clarity, Release, and Alignment Some stories on recognizing unaligment What authentic alignment looks and feels like View the full show notes for this episode here: Get Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
Aligned Offers by Design
Feb 6 2024
Aligned Offers by Design
Ever felt lost in the sea of business options, wondering which model truly fits you? Imagine: you're navigating the vast online space, and the sheer number of choices can be overwhelming. The noise around "the best way" or "the easiest way" to succeed in business is pretty deafening. Today on the podcast, I’m talking about aligning your business model and offers with your unique human design.I am sharing my personal experience transitioning from a local business to the online realm and how the conventional one-size-fits-all approaches just don't cut it. When you dive into your human design you can create an approach and offers that work the best for you AND your clients. Picture crafting a business that not only serves but really resonates with you AND your clients on a deep level. We are exploring the four key areas in your human design – type, profile, environment, and incarnation cross – where I guide you on a path to discover your most aligned business model. Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to entrepreneurship? Tune in now!View the full show notes for this episode here: Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
Stop Convincing and Start Attracting the Right Clients
Jan 30 2024
Stop Convincing and Start Attracting the Right Clients
Are your offerings in sync with the needs and desires of your ideal clients? Today, we are diving into the art of drawing the right clients toward your business rather than exerting effort to persuade them to engage or work with you.As an entrepreneur, it's crucial to have a profound understanding of your potential clients' needs, desires, and overall awareness levels. Your messaging should align with their awareness, and you must communicate how your offerings can address their specific needs. In this episode, I'll be sharing exercises and reflections to ensure that your business not only meets the needs of your clients but also aligns with your own values and strategies. The key is to avoid any form of persuasion and focus on attracting clients authentically; if you find yourself constantly convincing, it may signal a misalignment.Prioritize strategic communication methods that resonate with and attract potential clients. If you've been experiencing the need to convince people about the value of your offerings, it could indicate a misalignment within your business. Take a moment to reflect on your offerings, your ideal client profile, and your communication approach. Adjust your strategies to better align with your clients and to authentically represent your business and its values.View the full show notes for this episode here: Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (
Human Design Approach to Boosting Visibility
Jan 24 2024
Human Design Approach to Boosting Visibility
Are you showing up as your best self? Welcome to the latest episode of the "Design and Align Your Business" podcast with your host, Anna Nichols! In this episode, I am talking about all things visibility in business. You’ll learn how to use your unique human design to show up in the most strategic and authentic way possible for YOU.  I’ll guide you through understanding your unique type, and share insights on how different human design types can optimize their visibility strategies. Whether you're a Manifestor, Projector, Generator, Manifesting Generator, or Reflector, I’m providing tailored tips to help you showcase your business in alignment with your authentic self Join me as I share real-life examples and actionable advice for entrepreneurs seeking the most effective visibility strategies. From recognizing nonverbal invitations to embracing variety as a Manifesting Generator, you’ll learn exactly what you should do based on your unique human design type!View the full show notes for this episode here: Your Human Design Chart: my Human Design Happy Hour: out the FREE Become a Client Magnet Guide: Connect with Anna Nichols:Instagram: @iamannanichols (