From Fridge Fiasco to Delegation Delight

Level Up Leadership

Aug 28 2023 • 3 mins

Ever feel like you're stuck dealing with those mind-numbing, everyday tasks that almost drive you to pull your hair out? Oh boy, I've been there too. Just the other day, I had this whole drama with the fridge at one of my investment properties. It just decided to throw in the towel, and guess who had to scramble to find a replacement? Yep, yours truly. Talk about a major headache!

And it's not just property woes—these pesky little things pop up at work too. You know the kind of stuff that doesn't really tap into your strengths but still needs to get done? The funny thing is, there are people out there who actually enjoy doing the things that drive you bonkers. Go figure!

So, how in the world can you hand off those not-so-great tasks that don't really match your skills (or genius zone), and make sure they get done right? Well, let me tell you, this episode is your golden ticket. You'll learn how to appreciate your own time, and most importantly, how to delegate like a pro. That way, you'll have some much-needed breathing space for yourself.


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