Solo Content vs. Guest Content: Which Approach Is Better?

Podcast Theory

Jul 11 2023 • 19 mins

Does solo podcast content trump guest-driven content?

It's the great debate.

Which form of content creation is better: solo-based content that keeps the spotlight firmly secured on you and your expertise or guest-driven content where impactful conversations captivate listeners?

Saying one is BETTER than the other without context is pretty difficult because each approach serves a purpose.

For example, if you're brand new to your industry/space/niche and want to boost your notoriety, collaborating with like-minded thought leaders in your arena will help you do so at a faster pace.

You also get access to that thought leader's audience and, hopefully, that additional exposure will put a few more eyes and ears on your initiatives going forward.

On the flip side, if you want to firmly position yourself as a thought leader that people seeking insight on your area of expertise can turn to, keeping the focus solely on yourself with solo podcast content may be the better way to go.

Your podcast may not feature a back-and-forth on a particular subject due to the lack of guests. But you can make up for that by confidently delivering an impactful message for your audience to learn from.

This, in turn, helps you establish a stronger level of trust and connection with every listener that presses the play button.

In Episode 002 of Solo Podcasting Simplified, I'm taking a look at both sides of the equation - what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of solo podcast content, as well as guest-driven content...and when does it make sense to lean into one or the other?

Click here for this episode's feature blog post, resources, and more

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Thank you for being part of the Podcast Theory experience! Past seasons of this podcast include:

Season 1: 125 episodes of podcasting tips and strategies (known as Pod Theory)
Season 2: Debunking Myths & Misconceptions of Podcasting (known as Pod Theory)
Season 3: A Deep Look at Solo Podcasting (known as Solo Podcasting Simplified)
Season 4: Replays of daily livestreams that take place every weekday on YouTube

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