What is the Ideal Length For a Solo Podcast Episode?

Podcast Theory

Jul 25 2023 • 18 mins

How long should a podcast episode be?

If you've been looking for a question that has a myriad of answers, this is the one.

When you look at the number of podcasts actively producing content today, it's hard to pinpoint a specific timeframe because all of them are so different.

Some podcasts clock in around five minutes.

Others go 2-3 hours.

According to The Social Shepard website, the average podcast length is 20-40 minutes.

OK, so how do you make sense of this wide range of times and determine what works for your solo podcast?

It's not as complicated as it may seem.

In reality, there are just two key factors to focus on that will help you create content your ideal listeners want to consume without putting you in a position to break your back trying to keep up with a laborious production schedule.

In Episode 009 of Solo Podcasting Simplified, I'm sharing the ideal length for your solo podcast productions, as well as debunking some of the common misconceptions about podcast episode length you've most likely encountered.

Click here for this episode's feature blog post, resources, and more

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Thank you for being part of the Podcast Theory experience! Past seasons of this podcast include:

Season 1: 125 episodes of podcasting tips and strategies (known as Pod Theory)
Season 2: Debunking Myths & Misconceptions of Podcasting (known as Pod Theory)
Season 3: A Deep Look at Solo Podcasting (known as Solo Podcasting Simplified)
Season 4: Replays of daily livestreams that take place every weekday on YouTube

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Current Theme Music courtesy of Alex Grohl via pixabay.com

Podcast Theory is A Bombtrack Media Production