Episode 13 - Tyler Lessard Vice President of Marketing at Vidyard and Co Author of The Visual Sale

Play the King & Win the Day!

Jan 17 2022 • 24 mins

In Episide 13 we caught up with Tyler Lessard Vice President of Marketing at Vidyard to discuss a recent book he Co-Authored with  Marcus Sheridan  called "The Visual Sale" on how the use of video is transforming the selling landscape.

About the Book:

More than ever before, buyers and consumers are demanding for more video. Just "reading" about a product, service, or company will no longer do the trick. Today, they must "see" it.  Not withstanding this increased demand for video, most businesses and organizations have struggled to quickly adapt. In fact, many have no idea as to how or where to get started. For this purpose, The Visual Sale was written. Finally, businesses and organizations have a clear guide that will literally show them, in simple, clear, and actionable terms, exactly how they can build a culture of video and start "showing it" moving forward, ultimately leading to a dramatic improvement to their sales numbers, marketing strategy, and overall customer experience.

Read the Book