Deciding if you want to leave your 9-5 and start a business? Listen to this first, I got you covered.

Muscle Mindset with Samuel Gegen

Feb 17 2024 • 20 mins

Entrepreneurship has been one of the wildest journey's i've ever been on. I wanted to share some insight on this journey and some tips I've learned along the way.

You will have your ups and downs and it's a roller coaster but it's WORTH it! Here are some tips that will prepare you for this journey and some tangible action items.

Also, this will help you set better expectations with yourself as well! If you enjoy the podcast, make sure to hit that follow button and share it. I am grateful for everyone that does.

Here are some links you can check me out at or communicate with me - LFG!

Instagram & Tik Tok: @samuelgegen

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