Reflections: On Ethics, Leadership & Commitment


Dec 13 2021 • 6 mins

Ethics, Leadership & Commitment- Reflections

This is the companion Reflection transmission for the conversation we had with Matan Levkowich. It would make the most sense to first listen to that episode here:

This reflection highlights the relevance of sharing, ethics, and the intention that goes into a practice or pursuit of life goals.

To watch to the video version or read this companion Reflection instead, please visit:

As a recap, in the Ethics, Leadership & Commitment conversation Patrick Oancia chatted with Matan about his dedication to–and brief hiatus from- his podcast, ethics in leading, life in the Israel army, and thereafter transitioning from a dedicated meditation practitioner living in celibacy to be relentlessly coaxed back into the world by erotic desires that surfaced from intense meditation practice, and how all these things tied into commitment and personal realizations.

And you can get the show notes, associated links, and show transcript for that episode here:

Baseworks Transmission

These Baseworks Transmission conversations look at both the concrete and abstract realizations that emerge from a commitment to any kind of practice or pursuit to achieve life goals. The ideas get unpacked from their subjectivity, and the outcome of each transmission sets out to discover critical feature patterns and construct common recognition categories of physical and introspective experiences.