Marie O'Halloran on: "Leading Others for Post-Trauma Growth"

Leaders Talk with Leo

Sep 21 2023 • 50 mins

On our upcoming episode of Leaders Talk, we're excited to introduce Marie O'Halloran from Ireland, a multifaceted talent with a rich tapestry of achievements.Marie is a distinguished alumnus of U.C.C., where she secured an Associate Degree and an H. Dip in Coaching/Coaching Psychology, graduating with top honors. As a business and personal coach, she's adept at crafting and executing bespoke workshops tailored to address workplace wellbeing. Her expertise doesn't stop there; she's proficient in charting out wellbeing and strategy roadmaps, catering to both individual and group needs.A specialist at heart, Marie's interests are vast and varied. She delves deep into areas like post-trauma growth, inclusion, and diversity. Furthermore, she's skilled in facilitating the reintegration of staff post-absence, providing invaluable support to both staff and management. Her credentials in HR support and mentoring are further testament to her holistic approach to workplace wellbeing.Beyond her coaching prowess, Marie wears multiple hats with Élan. She's an associate member of the Association for Coaching. But there's a creative side to her as well. Marie is an acclaimed Irish crime writer and an accomplished poet, playwright, and short story writer.Join us as we unravel the layers behind Marie's multifarious journey, from coaching and mentoring to the world of literature. It promises to be a conversation brimming with insights and inspiration.You can find her book on Amazon here!