A Happy Holiday To You!

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Dec 21 2022 • 11 mins

A podcast for English learners!  Improve your listening skills, practice your pronunciation, learn new vocabulary!

This episode has a Christmas theme and a lesson in bravery.  While I was facilitating a conversation session, I set up my computer and microphone and invited attendees to leave a message starting with “For me, the holidays mean...”.  Did anyone leave a message?  Well, let’s see...

Pronunciation tip = How we sound the letter H = /h/... but do we say "a hotel" or "an hotel"?

Presenter = Sam @_emaileng (Twitter, IG), @emaileng (TikTok)

Music = "Baby Bloodheart" by Mara Carlyle   @MaraCarlyle    www.maracarlyle.bandcamp.com

Artwork = Penny Rossano  @pennyrossanomusicart (IG)     www.pennyrossanoillustrations.com