How to Determine Post Military Roles Based Off Location Type : Remote, Hybrid, or Onsite

Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,

May 15 2024 • 18 mins

If you are a woman transitioning from military to civilian careers, we emphasize the significance of considering job location types—onsite, hybrid, or fully remote—early in the job search process. I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn for weekly live discussions on frequently asked questions and to share their career transition experiences.

We highlight the importance of aligning job location preferences with personal and family needs, particularly for dual military, moms, and those starting a family, encouraging you to explore hybrid and remote opportunities for greater flexibility.

00:00 Welcome and LinkedIn Invitation

01:00 Introducing Today's Topic: The Importance of Location Type in Your Career

05:24 Exploring Remote Work: Flexibility, Challenges, and Personal Stories

11:59 Hybrid Work: The Best of Both Worlds

13:33 Onsite Work: Traditional but Flexible

14:07 Making the Right Choice for Your Career and Family

16:59 Final Thoughts and Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn

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