Living Fearless Today

Coach Mike Forrester

Do you feel overwhelmed when making decisions? Struggle to take action in your personal life or career? Think you're alone in these situations? You're not! In fact, you're in good company.    I'm Mike Forrester, host of the Living Fearless Today podcast. Join me as I interview other men who triumphed over their own adversities, learn how they did it and where they are today. So that whatever you're facing, know others fought the same battle and have conquered those challenges. They are now encouraging you and me to live our life boldly and courageously alongside them.   Let's disprove the lie that we're the only one who's going through this situation, that no one knows what it's like. You're not alone in the struggle you're working through. As men, we have more in common in our journey than you might want to believe.   Join me here each Tuesday for the interview and then again on Friday as I spotlight the lessons learned. How we can apply them to become the confident and courageous man we're wanting to be - for ourselves, our wife and our children.   Be sure to give a follow to the Living Fearless Today podcast on your favorite platform. I look forward to being with you during the next episode. read less
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The Journey To Social Fluency : Small Steps, Big Impact with Devon Ash
May 7 2024
The Journey To Social Fluency : Small Steps, Big Impact with Devon Ash
Devon Ash joins us to share about social fluency and human connection. From moving throughout his childhood on a yearly basis and then having skin cancer at the young age of 23, he learned practical strategies for reading the room, understanding body language, high-status humor and enhancing conversational agility. Devon then moved on to helping countless individuals navigate social situations with confidence and authenticity. Devon discusses the importance of facing discomfort as a means to build confidence and resilience. He explains that the journey of social fluency is slow and steady, and allowing yourself to gradually face small fears can lead to significant personal transformation. Devon exposes the damage we inflict from making self-deprecating jokes compared with boosting your self-confidence through high-level humor. Devon stresses the significance of taking action regardless of your current situation or experience level, that starting somewhere and making consistent efforts is better than waiting for the perfect moment.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Mastering social fluency skills for effortless interactions and meaningful connections.·      Changing your perception by ditching self-deprecating jokes and boosting your self-confidence.·      Projecting confidence and charisma in social situations for more fulfilling interactions.·      Unveiling the power of social connections for personal growth and professional success.·      Unleashing high-status humor techniques to captivate and engage your audience.The key moments in this episode are:00:10:04 – What is Social Fluency00:15:52 - Overcoming Ingrained Behavior00:18:08 - Seeking Acceptance and Self-Worth00:26:44 - Creating Change through Behavior00:31:48 - Developing a Healthy Self-Worth00:33:43 - Understanding Status and Self-Perception00:34:27 - Overcoming Discomfort through Daily Challenges00:36:24 - Gradual Progress and Building EnduranceConnect with Devon AshWebsite LinkedIn Instagram Facebook Connect with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Power of the 5 Love Languages to Overcome Anger with Paul Zolman
Apr 16 2024
Power of the 5 Love Languages to Overcome Anger with Paul Zolman
From a childhood filled with anger and abuse to overcoming that engrained anger by practicing the 5 love languages, Paul Zolman has changed his trajectory in life 180 degrees. Paul talks about his sister-in-law revealing to his girlfriend the only emotion the Zolman family knew was anger. Wanting to dispute this statement, Paul found himself reacting in anger, which sealed the deal and brought the realization front and center for Paul. Determined not to have this remain as a truth in his life he set out to discover how to change and express love instead.One of Paul's resources was the book 'The 5 Love Languages' by Gary Chapman. After reading it multiple times, he felt no closer to understanding how to determine someone's love language. In his quest to express love through love languages, he created a set of love language dice. By using them, he transformed the way he showed love to everyone throughout his day, as well as increasing his ability to receive love. Join us to discover the power of intentional love and its deep impact on creating lasting, meaningful relationships.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Transform anger into love and improve your relationships.·      Understand and apply love languages to deepen your connections.·      Learn strategies for personal growth through love to enrich your life.·      Cultivate self-awareness and kindness for more fulfilling relationships.·      Build healthier family dynamics and create a more harmonious home.00:07:41 - Determining Who You Want to Be00:15:17 - Childhood Challenges and Family Dynamics00:19:20 - Recognizing Family Patterns00:22:27 - What are the Love Language Dice00:25:03 - Understanding Love Languages00:31:30 - Breaking Generational Habits00:44:47 - The Impact of KindnessConnect with Paul ZolmanWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Start Living Today and Stop Waiting to Enjoy Life with Angelo Valenti
Apr 9 2024
Start Living Today and Stop Waiting to Enjoy Life with Angelo Valenti
Quit waiting for some day and start living today. How many times have you heard someone say "I'll enjoy life when I retire" or when "the kids get older"? Sadly, these are common excuses, ones that people often don't get to see or experience. Angelo Valenti joins me to share the key to living a fulfilling life and prioritizing what truly matters. He pulls back the curtain on this delayed happiness mindset and invites us to instead seize joy in the present moment. Angelo highlights the significance of focusing on joy over fleeting happiness.Angelo is an author and coach with a 42-year career in business psychology. He teaches us the art of finding joy amid adversity by revealing his personal journey, including the resilience he learned from his wife's battle with ALS. Angelo talks about the freedom in finding our identity beyond work and the importance of creating memories with our families today rather than waiting for some milestone years or decades in the future. He shares a path to a more fulfilled life, emphasizing that joy is within our reach and often starts with a shift in perspective.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Choose forgiveness to heal relationships and find inner peace.·      Create meaningful memories today with loved ones that last a lifetime.·      Cherish the present moment to experience true joy and fulfillment.·      Pursue joy and contentment rather than chasing elusive feelings of happiness·      Reframe challenging memories and experiences to find valuable lessonsThe key moments in this episode are:00:08:54 - Difference Between Joy and Happiness00:14:19 - Finding Your Identity During Career Changes00:17:29 - Discovering Joy at Work00:18:49 - Practicing Gratitude00:22:00 - Finding Humor and Joy in Life00:32:37 - Creating Meaningful Memories with Children00:39:31 - The Power of Making MemoriesConnect with Angelo ValentiWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Family, Finances and Intentionality: How He Unlocked Financial Freedom For His Family with Jason Weening
Apr 2 2024
Family, Finances and Intentionality: How He Unlocked Financial Freedom For His Family with Jason Weening
Do you want to achieve financial stability while raising a closely-knit family? Jason Weening unlocked financial freedom for his family and talks about being a dad to his nine children, with one more bouncing baby coming soon. He shares his insights on overcoming debt, being a present father and nurturing a strong marriage. Jason walks us through his personal journey of overcoming financial struggles and the importance of being intentional with your time, energy and family activities. He openly discusses the impact of seeking help, learning from mistakes and the transformative effect of adopting Dave Ramsey's financial principles. Throughout the episode, Jason emphasizes the value of integrating family into daily activities and finding balance during the challenges of everyday life.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Learn how to take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free life.·      Navigating financial struggles as a dad, overcoming financial challenges while providing for your family.·      Uncover the positive impact of including your family in your hobbies and how it can strengthen your connections.·      Explore ways to build deeper relationships and create lasting memories with your children.·      Find out how to integrate your personal passions into your family life.The key moments in this episode are:00:11:59 - Overcoming Financial Struggles00:13:26 - Build An Emergency Fund for Financial Security00:27:48 - Overcoming Mistakes and Finding Hope00:29:36 - Intentionally Engaging with Your Children00:35:37 - Strengthening Your Marriage Relationship00:39:38 - Integrating Family Life00:40:58 - Quality Time with Kids00:43:26 - Social Media vs RealityConnect with Jason WeeningWebsite Instagram with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
How to Set Boundaries with People and Protect Your Energy with Anthony Godaire
Mar 26 2024
How to Set Boundaries with People and Protect Your Energy with Anthony Godaire
Many of us haven't been taught how to set healthy boundaries with people, and as a result, our relationships struggle. This week I am joined by Anthony Godaire, to talk about setting boundaries, how to protect your energy and about the toxicity of perfectionism. He shares his remarkable journey of conquering depression through self-awareness.Anthony reveals how using the life wheel to review his life and activities helps keep him on track for his goals and away for the spiral of depression. He shared an analogy on how limiting beliefs can hold us captive, similar to how fleas can be trained to believe they can only jump so high. Join us to hear Anthony's journey of rising from perfectionism and boundaries to managing his energy and mental capacity through awareness.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Discover the power of self-awareness in overcoming depression and reclaiming your mental well-being.·      Uncover the hidden impact of perfectionism on your mental health and learn how to break free from its grip.·      Unlock the benefits of coaching for personal development and take charge of your growth journey.·      Master the art of managing depression with daily routines and create a more balanced and fulfilling life.·      Learn the art of setting boundaries with energy vampires and reclaim your emotional energy for self-care and growth.The key moments in this episode are:00:09:41 - Mirror Work and Self-Discovery00:19:24 - Self-awareness and Life Wheel Exercise00:23:48 - Setting Strategic Goals and Daily Behaviors00:28:15 - Addressing Depression and Energy Levels00:28:31 - Identifying Signs of Depression00:35:19 - Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care00:42:16 - Recognizing Energy Levels and Mindset Shifts00:47:44 - Negative Effects of PerfectionismConnect with Anthony GodaireWebsite Instagram with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Overcoming Negative Self Talk for Greater Inner Peace and Growth with Stephan Neff
Mar 19 2024
Overcoming Negative Self Talk for Greater Inner Peace and Growth with Stephan Neff
In this episode, I'm joined by Stephan Neff, whose journey explores overcoming negative self talk, building resilience and personal development. Throughout his story, Stephan reminds us of the destructive nature of addictive behavior and that healing starts with acknowledging we're not alone in our struggles. Due to unresolved trauma, he attempted to medicate until an intervention directed him to confront the situation. Stephen didn't stop with becoming sober, he continued to push forward with personal development, changing his environment and perspective. He began journaling, which was the key to slowing down his thoughts, revealing harmful thought patterns. Let's get ready to uncover the secrets of removing self-limiting beliefs and beginning journey into personal growth.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Discover how personal growth can lead to lasting freedom from addiction.·      Uncover the powerful benefits of journaling for a healthier mind and heart.·      Explore the deep impact of trauma on the journey to overcoming addiction.·      Learn strategies to build self-worth and resilience for a brighter future.·      Understand the pivotal role of community and mentorship in both breaking free from addiction and personal development.The key moments in this episode are:00:11:55 - Consequences and Emotional Struggles00:17:31 - Taking the First Step at Rehab00:22:09 - Shifting Perspectives00:31:48 - Uncovering Lies and Healing00:35:25 - Recognizing and Dealing with PTSD00:37:20 - The Power of Hypnotherapy00:42:50 - Self-Reflection and Journaling00:47:50 - Taking Action and Seeking HelpConnect with Stephan NeffWebsite LinkedIn with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Facing Your Mortality to Live with Purpose and Fulfillment with Andrew Petty
Mar 12 2024
Facing Your Mortality to Live with Purpose and Fulfillment with Andrew Petty
Embracing discomfort and facing your mortality can be the key to transforming your imperfections into superpowers and finding your true purpose in life. In this episode I'm joined by Andrew Petty, we talk about his journey through anxiety, mortality and personal growth. He shares on battling internal struggles from a young age, his intense struggle with anxiety, that then led to feelings of shame.Andrew reveals his transformative journey, exploring how the stark realization of mortality reshaped his life, driving him to discover fulfillment in responsibility, vulnerability, and the hero's journey. We delve into his "big 6" ingredients for a life well-lived and he urges us all to reflect on mortality as a motivator for profound change. If you're looking to break free from comfort and step boldly into a life of courageous action, then Andrew's journey will provide the leverage you're after.In this episode, you will be able to:·      Embracing discomfort leads to personal growth and empowerment.·      Overcome anxiety and take action to live a fulfilling life.·      Understanding the role of responsibility in overcoming a victimhood mindset.·      Utilize the hero's journey for self-improvement and transformation.·      Recognizing the importance of mortality awareness in making life decisions.The key moments in this episode are:00:13:35 - Overcoming Anxiety and Finding Hope00:19:37 - Taking Responsibility00:27:18 - Essential Ingredients for a Fulfilling Life00:31:24 - Mortality and Transformation00:37:49 - The Mortality Mindset00:47:01 - Facing Anxiety and Taking Responsibility00:49:33 - Engaging with Mortality00:51:07 - Embracing Imperfections and PurposeConnect with Andrew PettyWebsite LinkedIn with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Asking Better Questions of Yourself for Personal Growth with Sean Robinson
Mar 5 2024
Asking Better Questions of Yourself for Personal Growth with Sean Robinson
For anyone interested in asking better questions of yourself for personal growth or looking to break generational patterns, you'll be excited for this interview with Sean Robinson. His story reveals how questioning and challenging long-held beliefs and habits can guide you toward a healthier and more fulfilling life. Sean opens up about his experiences with habitual alcoholism, the impact of generational trauma and the role of self-reflection in his journey. Growing up in an environment of drinking, impatience, and chaos, like many men, Sean found himself mirroring the behaviors he despised. Learn how in the midst of a situation with an overflowing sink and his son, Sean decided to change who he is and his relationship with his family.In this episode, you will be able to:Uncover the Power of Self-Reflection for Personal Growth and Transformation.Understanding the impact of your childhood environment on your behaviorBreak Free from Generational Trauma Patterns and Embrace Healing.Embrace Sobriety and Personal Growth on Your Transformation Journey.Explore the Importance of Self-Awareness and Introspection for Positive Change.The key moments in this episode are:00:03:48 - Professional and Personal Transformation 00:12:23 - Changing Reaction to Parenting 00:22:23 - Coping Mechanism and Social Expectations 00:33:31 - The Importance of Journaling 00:39:09 - Trying New Habits 00:45:52 - The Power of Asking Better Questions 00:49:44 - Overcoming Generational Patterns Connect with Sean RobinsonWebsite LinkedIn with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
From Anxiety to Peace : Better Mental Health By Rethinking Priorities with Erik DaRosa
Feb 27 2024
From Anxiety to Peace : Better Mental Health By Rethinking Priorities with Erik DaRosa
In high-pressure careers, the battle with anxiety and OCD is often a silent struggle. Erik DaRosa reveals how we can improve mental health by breaking that silence. He shares his own journey from "managing anxiety" to hitting a breaking point at 33 years old. He kept his struggles private due to the societal expectations placed on men; now, through his story, he advocates for mental health in the workplace.Erik describes his equilateral triangle approach to healing - combining Western therapy, Eastern practices and the great outdoors. We'll hear about his personal experience with anxiety and OCD and how navigating a high-stress career on Wall Street led him to overcome mental health challenges and embrace authenticity. It's time to break free from the exhausting cycle of maintaining a facade of strength, living in fear of judgment and begin with discovering the power of resilience and self-care.In this episode, you will be able to:Discover the power of resilience in your mental health journey.Uncover the potential for personal growth and fulfillment through career transitions and pursuing your passions.Overcome anxiety and OCD challenges for a more fulfilling life.Explore the healing effects of self-expression through storytelling and its impact on mental wellness.Learn to prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries for a balanced life.The key moments in this episode are:00:17:11 - Overcoming Setbacks and Rediscovering Passion00:21:37 - The Journey of Marriage and Mental Health00:34:09 - Living with OCD and anxiety00:36:26 - Breaking the mental health stigma00:39:27 - Re-evaluating priorities00:47:46 - Practicing vulnerability and active listening00:50:48 - Concealing Mental Health Struggles00:54:10 - Equilateral Triangle of HealingConnect with Erik DaRosaWebsite LinkedIn with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs : Exposing & Rewiring Scarcity Thinking with Victor Manzo Jr.
Feb 20 2024
Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs : Exposing & Rewiring Scarcity Thinking with Victor Manzo Jr.
If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle, join me as I talk with Victor Manzo Jr. about Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs! We all have subconscious programming that influences our decisions and behaviors, making it challenging to break free from negative patterns. But what if I told you there's a way to increase self-awareness and improve decision-making skills by understanding and reprogramming this subconscious matrix? Victor's personal experiences with financial fears and subconscious beliefs offer valuable insights into the impact of mindset on professional and personal success. He highlights the transformative power of self-awareness and the necessity of ridding ourselves of limiting beliefs to achieve true fulfillment. However, it's not just a one-time fix; rather, it's a journey of self-reflection and persistence. It's a muscle we should consistently work out to strengthen and heighten its sensitivity. In this episode, you will be able to:Unlock new possibilities with Dr. Vic Monzo Jr.'s Quantum Leap Coaching journey.Explore the power of self-reflection and intuition in making successful transitions.Learn about the impact of subconscious beliefs on personal finances and wealth.Unlock the secrets to shifting your mindset towards financial abundance.Gain insights into the importance of mindset shifts for achieving financial success.The key moments in this episode are:00:03:10 - The Power of Awareness00:15:51 - The Impact of Childhood Programming00:19:40 - Understanding Subconscious Beliefs00:22:19 - Creating Awareness and Shifting Focus00:27:19 - Shifting Focus to Growth and Prosperity00:30:57 - Overcoming Negative Beliefs and Reprogramming the Mind00:38:00 - Triggers for Limiting Beliefs00:39:24 - Overcoming Negative ThoughtsConnect with Victor Manzo Jr.Website LinkedIn with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Rebuilding Your Identity : Moving Beyond Performance and Validation with Michael Jaquith
Feb 13 2024
Rebuilding Your Identity : Moving Beyond Performance and Validation with Michael Jaquith
Have you ever struggled with feeling like you're falling short in being a man, so you then dream of rebuilding your identity? You've been told to always have it together and never show vulnerability, but that only makes you feel empty and disconnected. With guest Michael Jaquith, we’ll chat about moving beyond performance and validation, the pain of unattainable expectations and navigating emotional resilience with authenticity.Through his own experiences of healing and growth from a traumatic childhood, Michael speaks to the transformative power of connecting with others on a deep level, the significance of self-forgiveness, and the impact of personal growth on family relationships. He worked through the emotional turmoil of his past, freeing himself of his deep-seated anger and shame; he found freedom not only for himself but also for his family. Michael's journey is a powerful reminder of the strength that we can tap into by confronting and overcoming our past painful experiences.In this episode, you will be able to:Strengthen your emotional resilience and conquer fears.Embrace the power of grace and forgiveness in your life.Discover healing and growth through vulnerability and openness.Explore the impact of absent validation and approval on your journey.Embrace opportunities for growth and learning through mistakes.The key moments in this episode are:00:10:06 - Healing and Forgiveness 00:16:52 - Misconceptions About Forgiveness 00:19:33 - The Need to Forgive Oneself 00:25:23 - Confronting Identity and Surrender 00:28:09 - Relearning Masculinity 00:39:44 - Building emotional resilience 00:41:56 - The power of validation Connect with Michael JaquithWebsite Connect with Mike ForresterPodcast Website Coaching Website LinkedIn Youtube Facebook Instagram
Work Life Balance Boundaries : From Burnout and Self-Sabotage To Building Meaningful Relationships with Eric Nehrlick
Feb 6 2024
Work Life Balance Boundaries : From Burnout and Self-Sabotage To Building Meaningful Relationships with Eric Nehrlick
In today's episode, host Mike Forrester sits down with executive coach Eric Nehrlich to discuss his journey with work life balance boundaries. From burnout and self-sabotage to building meaningful relationships. Finding balance and fulfillment in both his work and personal life, Eric shares his experiences of struggling with overwork, seeking external validation, overcommitment and confronting his fears to create meaningful connections. From redefining his approach to dating to overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors, Eric's story is about personal growth, resilience, and pursuing a purposeful life. Join us as we explore Eric's insights on setting boundaries, self-discovery, and the power of facing fears to cultivate a life of impact and connection. Eric's realization about the pressures of seeking external validation at work sheds light on the importance of defining success on our own terms, freeing us from the cycle of overcommitment and stress.In this episode, you will be able to:Overcome burnout and self-sabotage for a balanced life.Learn to set boundaries and confidently say no.Cultivate meaningful relationships beyond the workplace.Conquer self-sabotage in personal relationships.Combat loneliness by investing in authentic connections.The key moments in this episode are:00:04:48 - Balancing Personal and Professional Life00:06:09 - Recognizing Work-Related Insecurities00:14:40 - Epiphany and Self-Validation00:17:17 - Building Courage and Confidence00:20:15 - Self-Sabotage and Authenticity00:27:45 - Impact of absent father on relationships00:36:20 - Prioritizing personal timeConnect with Eric NehrlichWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comCoaching Website
Unexpected Key to Success : Using Meditation to Level Up Your Life with Tom Cronin
Jan 30 2024
Unexpected Key to Success : Using Meditation to Level Up Your Life with Tom Cronin
If you're feeling overwhelmed by stress and finding yourself turning to alcohol or drugs for relief, then you are not alone! Despite your best efforts to find peace and clarity, you may instead be experiencing even more confusion and chaos. If you're feeling like your current methods of coping are only making things worse, then today's episode may provide the hope you've been searching for! Practicing meditation can bring you inner peace, resilience, and clarity, providing a healthy way to overcome your struggles.Tom Cronin shares his journey of transitioning from a high-stress corporate career to a life dedicated to meditation and conscious entrepreneurship. His initial skepticism about meditation was replaced by a realization of its transformative power when he encountered the teachings of one of the world's largest hedge fund managers, Ray Dalio. Tom's story exemplifies the meaningful impact that meditation can have on one's professional and personal life, providing a sense of stability, creativity, and a clear purpose. In this episode, you will be able to:Discover the power of meditation for personal growth.Embrace a new path from chaos to calm.Unlock the benefits of meditation for resilience and clarity.Create balance and congruence in your life through meditation.Overcome stress and addiction with the practice of meditation.The key moments in this episode are:00:05:30 - Layers of Meditation 00:16:00 - The Power of Meditation 00:24:16 - Becoming the Future Version of Yourself 00:28:16 - Stepping Up in All Areas of Life 00:29:55 - Centering Exercise 00:44:03 - Overcoming Negative Coping Mechanisms 00:46:29 - Starting a Meditation Practice Connect with Tom CroninWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comCoaching Website
Hope After the Fall: Overcoming Mistakes and Discovering Purpose with James W Smith
Jan 23 2024
Hope After the Fall: Overcoming Mistakes and Discovering Purpose with James W Smith
Does it feel like you're stuck in a cycle of addiction, unable to break free and rebuild your life? Maybe you've been told to simply just stop or get over it, but the pain of trying and failing is overwhelming. The constant struggle and lack of progress can leave you feeling hopeless and defeated. But there is a way to find hope and rebuild a fulfilling life.I'm joined by James W Smith, a former lawyer who has walked the challenging path of gambling addiction and incarceration. He offers an encouraging story of resilience and transformation. His journey from facing personal struggles to reclaiming a fulfilling life serves as a signal of hope for men facing similar obstacles. Through his experiences, James shares invaluable wisdom on overcoming addiction and rebuilding a sense of purpose. In this episode, you will be able to:Discovering the path to personal growth and transformation.Overcoming addiction and rebuilding a fulfilling life.Embracing faith and resilience in the face of adversity.Seeking help and support for healing and recovery.Taking action and pursuing meaningful life goals.The key moments in this episode are:00:09:30 - Downward Spiral 00:16:27 - Bank Robbery Fiasco 00:18:55 - Hitting Rock Bottom 00:28:25 - Self-Reflection and Transformation 00:34:19 - Embracing the Knockdown 00:39:20 - Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Support 00:45:42 - Persistence and Taking Action Connect with James W SmithWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comCoaching Website
Building Authentic Relationships Through Vulnerability with Kevin Palmieri
Jan 16 2024
Building Authentic Relationships Through Vulnerability with Kevin Palmieri
Does the idea of building authentic relationships and experiencing personal growth resonate with you? Perhaps you've been told to simply put yourself out there and make small talk, only to feel empty and disconnected in the end. The pain of longing for deeper connections and growth but feeling stuck in surface-level interactions can be incredibly isolating and discouraging. But there is a better way to build authentic relationships and unlock your potential for personal growth.Kevin Palmieri's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and personal growth. Kevin's story, from overcoming internal insecurities to finding fulfillment, resonates with those seeking deeper connections and personal development. His openness and willingness to share experiences are inspirational for those of us looking to improve our relationship-building skills. Kevin shares his journey of personal growth and overcoming internal struggles, emphasizing the significance of self-awareness and vulnerability in building authentic relationships. In this episode, you will be able to:Embrace personal growth and transformation to unlock your full potential.Overcome internal struggles to find inner peace and fulfillment.Discover the importance of self-awareness for a more meaningful and purposeful life.Build authentic relationships rooted in trust and genuine connection.Cultivate meaningful connections that enrich your life and bring joy.The key moments in this episode are:00:07:46 - Transitioning to a new path00:13:16 - Self-awareness and fulfillment00:18:00 - Gratitude and vulnerability00:27:07 - Facing Challenges in Pursuit of Purpose00:29:38 - Dealing with Mental Health Struggles00:33:37 - Seeking Clarity and Truth00:40:36 - Giving Grace and Credit to Ourselves Connect with Kevin PalmieriWebsitehttps://www.nextleveluniverse.comFacebook with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comCoaching Website
From Fear to Freedom: Journey to Inner Healing and Redemption with Tarek Chaudhary
Jan 9 2024
From Fear to Freedom: Journey to Inner Healing and Redemption with Tarek Chaudhary
If you're feeling trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and unworthiness, looking to break out from fear to freedom in your life, then you are not alone! If you're feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and unable to silence the negative thoughts that plague your mind, then you are not alone! If you're feeling stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage, constantly pushing away opportunities with happiness and fulfillment, then you are not alone! Tarek Chaudhary's journey is proof of the transformative power of inner healing and self-discovery. Take encouragement from the fact you are not alone in your struggles and the change you've been wanting in your life is available to you.From experiencing deep trauma at a young age to navigating a life filled with fear and isolation, Tarek's story is one of resilience and unwavering determination. His profound realization that fear was the driving force behind every facet of his life, from relationships to career choices, led him on a path of introspection and growth. Tarek's journey of healing began with a pivotal moment of surrender, where he found solace in his faith and sought relationship with God. This turning point set him on a path of self-love and inner peace, ultimately leading to a life of gratitude, fulfillment, and spiritual awakening. Tarek's story serves as an inspiring reminder that the journey to healing and happiness is not without its challenges, but it is a journey 100 percent worth embarking on.In this episode, you will be able to:Embrace the importance of seeking help for spiritual transformation.Discover the power of surrender and seeking help in your personal growth journey.Understand the importance of vulnerability, self-reflection, and finding balance in life and relationships.Learn how to heal from past trauma and embrace a life filled with joy.Explore the transformative journey of self-love, forgiveness, and inner peace.The key moments in this episode are:00:04:19 - Living in Gratitude 00:10:27 - Childhood Trauma and Fear 00:18:40 - The Role of Fear in Decision-Making 00:26:42 - Struggling with Self-Worth 00:35:50 - Finding Redemption and Hope 00:43:20 - Importance of Community 00:59:23 - The Power of Showing Up and Being True to Yourself Connect with Tarek ChaudharyWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comCoaching Website
Confidence Building: Embracing Your True Self and Daily Habits with Freddie Bennett
Jan 2 2024
Confidence Building: Embracing Your True Self and Daily Habits with Freddie Bennett
Does it feel like you're constantly battling with self-doubt and struggling to build up your confidence? You may have been told to "just fake it till you make it" in order to appear more confident, but deep down, that only leaves you feeling more insecure and disconnected from your true self. The constant facade of confidence can be exhausting and disheartening, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied. As Freddie Bennet will share with us, there is a better way to build genuine confidence and self-acceptance that doesn't require you to pretend to be someone you're not.Freddie's journey took him from feeling stressed and unfulfilled in a corporate role to now running ultramarathons and empowering others to unlock their potential. His personal experiences and mindset shift highlight the power of taking action today and embodying the change one desires. With a focus on helping people understand that it's never too late to become the person they were meant to be, Freddie's insights and adventures offer a unique perspective on building confidence and fulfillment through daily habits.In this episode, you will be able to:Transform your life and find fulfillment through daily habits.Overcome imposter syndrome to thrive in the corporate world.Embrace authenticity and discover your true purpose.Take responsibility for change and achieve self-acceptance.Build unshakable confidence with simple daily habits.The key moments in this episode are:00:09:27 - Embracing Positive "What Ifs" 00:16:34 - Life in the Corporate World 00:28:01 - Coping Mechanisms 00:37:29 - Facing Reality After Tragedy 00:40:30 - Choosing Self-Respect and Self-Discipline 00:43:36 - Embracing Radical Self-Acceptance 00:51:05 - Creating Confidence through Daily Habits Connect with Freddie BennettWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comCoaching Website
The Power of Community: Relationships Transformed My Mental Health with Tyler Wittkofsky
Dec 26 2023
The Power of Community: Relationships Transformed My Mental Health with Tyler Wittkofsky
Have you heard that seeking support for mental health challenges is a sign of weakness? Or that it's just a phase that will pass on its own? Or even that you should just snap out of it? These are all too common responses that many men facing mental health struggles encounter. But our guest, Tyler Wittkofsky, will share the truth about the importance of community and support in mental health, as well as how it can lead to increased resilience and self-acceptance.Tyler is proof that our challenges do not need to be the chains holding us back in life, they can in fact be what fuels us towards our success. He has confronted addiction, mental illness, trauma, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder and anxiety. He has overcome all these to become an award-winning marketing communications professional, an entrepreneur and a published author - one who intentionally includes mental health challenges within his characters so others can see themselves in the struggle and success.In this episode, you will be able to:Embrace change for personal growth by discovering the transformative power of adapting to new circumstances.Find importance in seeking support in mental health to build resilience and self-acceptance.Begin the healing process by understanding the significance of forgiveness in mental well-being.Explore the journey of building a supportive community for mental health and personal growth.Unlock the transformative power of personal growth by embracing change and self-acceptance.The key moments in this episode are:00:08:10 - Childhood Divorce and Uncertainty00:12:06 - The Power of Forgiveness00:18:43 - Turning Point: Seeking Help00:22:11 - Writing as Therapy00:25:50 - Strategies for Mental Well-being00:35:00 - Building a supportive community00:40:17 - Self-love and boundariesConnect with Tyler WittkofskyWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comFacebook Website
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fears : Discovering Your Authentic Self with Lee Zuniss
Dec 19 2023
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fears : Discovering Your Authentic Self with Lee Zuniss
Discover the captivating journey of overcoming limiting beliefs and fears to pursue one's passion, as Lee Zuniss shares his experience of breaking free from conditioning and connecting with his authentic self. But just when everything seemed to be falling into place, a sudden twist leaves Lee facing a difficult decision with no clear solution in sight. Tune in to hear the shocking moment that changes everything.Growing up, Lee Zuniss struggled with a sense of shame and anxiety, stemming from his stutter and type one diabetes diagnosis. However, these challenges became transformative experiences, helping to shape Lee's mindfulness practice and self-awareness. These early encounters ultimately laid the foundation for Lee's journey toward authenticity and breaking free from conditioning. His story serves as a reminder that our most challenging experiences can often become the catalyst for profound personal growth and self-discovery. Through his experiences, he embodies the resilience and growth that come from embracing authenticity and challenging societal conditioning. In this episode, you will be able to:Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Unleash Your True Potential by Breaking Free from Self-Doubt.Embracing Your Authentic Self: Discovering the Power of Unlearning Conditioning.Seeking Support: Finding Strength and Guidance in Community and Connection.Taking Action Despite Fears: Empowering Yourself to Step Into Your True Potential.Living a Life Without Regrets: Embracing Purpose and Fulfillment in Every Moment.The key moments in this episode are:00:06:25 - Embracing Nature and Self-Care00:10:37 - Overcoming Stuttering and Type 1 Diabetes00:19:35 - Overcoming Shame and Anxiety00:23:40 - The Practice of "How Can This Get Even Better?"00:27:36 - Stepping Into Fear and Anxiety00:33:55 - The Impact of Self-Love and Support00:42:07 - Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs00:46:00 - Reveal the Powerful, Authentic SelfConnect with Lee ZunissWebsitehttps://www.leezunisscoaching.comLinkedIn with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comFacebook Website
Gaining Victory Over Fear and Addiction Through Faith : Journey of Resilience with Jonathan Field
Dec 12 2023
Gaining Victory Over Fear and Addiction Through Faith : Journey of Resilience with Jonathan Field
If you're feeling trapped in a cycle of addiction and fear, then you are not alone! Jonathan Fields shares how our attempts to overcome these challenges can leave us feeling discouraged and hopeless; he speaks to how we can instead begin experiencing the transformation and growth we so desperately desire. Jonathan encourages us to know there is hope and a path to freedom through faith and embracing growth.Jonathan Field walks us through his personal journey of overcoming addiction and finding freedom through faith. He opens up about his struggles with meth addiction and the profound impact of discovering God's unconditional love and acceptance. Jonathan's story emphasizes the power of vulnerability, the revelation of God's love, and the importance of embracing one's true identity in Christ to break free from addiction. He highlights the need for honesty, grace, and understanding when dealing with addiction and encourages listeners to seek support and guidance in their own transformational journeys. In this episode, you will be able to:Transform your life by overcoming challenges and embracing growth.Find freedom from addiction and discover a new path forward.Maintain a positive mindset through faith and spirituality.Take ownership of your situation and create positive change in your life.Overcome fear and unlock your full potential.The key moments in this episode are:00:06:47 - Overcoming Loss and Identity Crisis00:15:24 - Choosing Honesty and Love00:17:12 - Struggles with Meth Addiction00:18:30 - Importance of Vulnerability00:21:50 - Revelation of God's Love00:37:03 - Going to Prison00:47:51 - Embracing Change and Growth00:49:33 - Facing Trials and AdversityConnect with Jonathan FieldWebsite with Mike ForresterPodcast Websitehttps://LivingFearlessTodayPodcast.comFacebook Website