8. My Four Agreements

Where to Next | Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Life Coaching

Feb 4 2023 • 23 mins

Do you remember the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz? It inspired millions of people to outline a belief system for themselves. When Stacey read the book, she was struck by the profoundness and  simplicity of the concept and eventually was inspired to make her own four agreements. In this episode of Where to Next, you’ll hear what Stacey’s agreements are (hint: they spell the word SAFE), why she chose them, and her recommendations for how and why  to come up with your own set of beliefs.


(2:23) Stacey shares her own personal agreements. Hear what those are.

(3:15) Stacey’s four agreements spell out SAFE.

(3:53) First up, “Small things matter.”

(7:21) “Always working.” God/Source/Universe (insert yours) is always working in your life.

(11:09) “For me.” Everything is for your highest good in life.

(18:11) The newest to the list: “Everything is easier than I think.

(22:05) Create your core beliefs, or borrow hers.


“Anytime you want to implement a new habit, it starts with a small thing.”

“Everything single thing that has happened is for me and my highest, best good in life.”

“With highs, come lows because we need a contrast.”


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