A Proactive Approach: Unveiling Washington’s Oil Spill Prevention Program


Jun 13 2023 • 27 mins

Join us for an insightful episode as we take an exclusive look into the inner workings of Washington State's Oil Spill Prevention Program. In a captivating interview with Sara Thompson, Vessel and Oil Transfer Unit Supervisor of the Spills Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Program at the Washington State Department of Ecology, we delve into the strategies and initiatives employed to achieve their zero spills goal.

Discover the meticulous vessel substantial risk inspections conducted to identify potential hazards and mitigate risks before they escalate. Learn about the innovative Vessel Email Screening system, which aids in identifying vessels with a history of non-compliance or elevated risk factors. We also explore the recently introduced fishing vessel inspection program, designed to ensure the safety and environmental compliance of fishing vessels operating in Washington's waters.

Join us as we unveil the tireless efforts of the Washington State Department of Ecology in safeguarding the pristine coastlines and protecting the delicate marine ecosystem. Gain valuable insights into the proactive measures taken to prevent oil spills and maintain the state's commitment to preserving its natural treasures.