Welcome to the Superhuman Switch Podcast

Superhuman Switch

Oct 3 2022 • 26 seconds

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the Superhuman Switch Podcast.

I’m your host Saf.

I will be talking with startup founders, business owners, and corporate executives who are striving to maintain a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

Everyone has it is own aspirations, challenges, and lessons we can all learn from.

I’ve always been curious about how to improve my fitness and wellness.

I’ve been challenged the same as anyone else.

I realized that it is a journey - join me in exploring it.

I’d love to hear your feedback or recommendations on how to improve the show.

Reach out to me on:

Thank you very much for listening.

Saf 🙃


Website: https://www.safwanalturk.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/safwanalturk

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/safwanalturk

New to Saf?

A father, founder, and business executive who left corporate life behind to create solutions that help people build healthy lifestyles.

Special thanks to my 14 year old son for helping with the video editing.

Follow us/ subscribe/ rate/ share - We are on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.


Thanks a lot for listening.