E48: Pictures Speak Louder Than Intentions: Inclusive Imagery and What Your Visuals Say About Your Brand

Small Stage, Big Impact

Dec 17 2020 • 25 mins

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what are your images saying about your brand?

My struggle to find images and photography that accurately portrays me and my brand started several years ago. I don’t like the way I appear on camera, and I’ve been told several times that I’m just not photogenic. Plus, each stock image I found seemed sterile, and I couldn’t find a photographer who could capture the energy I wanted for my brand.

As an able-bodied, cis-gendered white woman, I realize that I am more privileged than many. But I’ve worked as a coach and a strategist with many different types of people. What I’ve learned from their struggles, as well as my own, is the power images have to send messages without our need to say a word.

Sometimes they send messages we never intended.

But images also have the power to tell the world exactly what - and who - we stand for.

It’s easy to grab stock photos to fill out our ads and webpages. They’re free or at least inexpensive, and they’re easy to get..

But do they speak to who we are and what we’re trying to accomplish?

In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of evaluating the message we are sending with the visuals of our brand.

Are our photos a little sterile? Are our pictures a little safe?

In our campaign to #DoBetterDigital, we’ve talked about the importance of having the courage to step outside the norm. We’ve discussed the need to offer the unexpected to honor our audience and ourselves.

If we want our brands to be inclusive, diverse, and accessible, we can’t ignore the imagery we choose to represent them.

Are your images inclusive, diverse, and accessible?

Do your visuals make you the hero of the story, or does it focus on your audience?

Does your imagery show you as a service provider, or as a celebrity?

If we want our audience to see themselves in our brand, we need to show them that they already have a place. Join me in today’s episode as we discuss how to line up our imagery with our intentions to #DoBetterDigital.

Listen now.

In episode 48 of Small Stage, Big Impact we discuss:

  • [6:46] Where Renia’s journey into inclusive imagery started for herself and for her business
  • [11:50] How the type of brand you are informs the types of images you need to convey your brand message
  • [15:39] How diverse imagery improves your marketing because it focuses on your audience
  • [17:00] Tips for how to build your image library to best reflect your brand
  • [19:45] The benefits of creating a custom image library instead of relying only on stock images
  • [21:46] How and why to choose a great photographer who can support your goals of inclusivity and diversity

Resources mentioned by Renia in the episode: