An urgent & possibly helpful conversation with Jeannine Ouellette

The Book I HAD to Write

Jan 3 2024 • 38 mins

In the Season 3 launch, Jeannine Ouellette, author of the memoir The Part That Burns and creator of the Writing in the Dark newsletter, shares insights into her writing process, her extraordinary year on Substack, and the unique blend of craft, wisdom, and kindness that makes her a beloved teacher of creative writing.

Key Takeaways

* Writing around a difficult topic can hinder the writing process, and embracing your need to write about it can lead to growth as a writer.

* Writing from the perspective of a child in memoir offers a unique vantage point; and force writers to consider the limitations of what they can understand.

* “Defamiliarization,” or casting a strange light on objects and experiences, is a technique that can make writing more engaging and wake readers up to new perspectives.

* Lowering stakes and embracing mistakes can lead to more exciting and authentic writing.

* Writers should be aware of the distinction between internal and external details in their writing and strive to find a balance between the two.

* Understanding what your piece is really about (or what Ouellette calls “aboutness”) ois crucial for guiding the revision process and ensuring the work resonates with readers.

Discussed on this Show

* Writing Child Narrators: If you’re writing a memoir about childhood and want a thorough discussion of how to approach writing from the child’s perspective, read Jeannine’s essay “That Little Voice: The Outsized Power of a Child Narrator” (Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies)

* For another perspective on writing about childhood, check out my essay:

* Annie Ernaux/Flat Writing: French Nobel Laureate Annie Ernaux has described her style as “l’écriture plate” or “flat writing”— a voice that is “…flat, but not quite affectless…[striving] for balance between feeling and reporting, writing with almost sociological objectivity,” according to the Paris Review. Read more.

* “What Substack Taught Me About Nimbleness, Improvisation, and the Absolute Necessity of Mistakes,” by Jeannine Ouellette, Brevity Magazine, June 22 & 23, 2022. Part 1 | Part 2.

Find Jeannine Ouellette Online

* On Substack:

* At her writer website:

* The Part that Burns (Split/Lip Books, Moon Palace Books, Bookshop, Amazon, or your favorite independent bookstore!)


This episode was edited and produced by Chérie Newman at Magpie Audio Productions. Theme music is "The Stone Mansion" by BlueDot Productions.

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