#016 - Listening Inward for The Real Me

already unleashed podcast

Mar 29 2024 • 21 mins

Getting quiet and listening inward is allowing me to learn who I really am. Changing my eating habits has broken my food addiction. Decluttering my apartment has shown me how good it feels to have more breathing room.  And now questioning my thought patterns has me wanting to live life completely differently.

My cravings didn't have to dictate what I ate. My attachment to Earthly belongings didn't have to weigh me down. My pattern of leaning on my mind/brain/intellect doesn't have to determine where I go in life. I am hearing the call to finally allow my heart/womb/SOUL to guide my path and have the biggest say in my life!

In that spirit, I am excited to share - through the end of April 2024, these "Listen Inward" sessions are completely free! If YOU feel called to listen inward, I invite you to use this Calendly link to schedule our session. I look forward to meeting the REAL you. :)


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