23. Existential Clarity

Esoteric N Chill

Sep 12 2023 • 23 mins

In today’s world, being different can be challenging. After all, society is not set up for people who crave being unique. It’s filled with superficial people and superficial things, which can be VERY tiring for a Spiritual Bimbo like me.

That’s why this episode is all about existential clarity and how to cope with a world that doesn’t seem to have any interest in going beneath the surface; a world that doesn't want to discover new insights and new ways of being. It’s also about the constant learning process that we call life, and how to squeeze every ounce of goodness and love out of that journey.

Being different may feel like a burden at times, but I would never trade the clarity I have today for my old life. As challenging as it may be to feel like you don’t fit in with the people around you, just think about the alternative: Would you really want to go through life on auto-pilot? I certainly would not!

I hope you enjoy the episode! And if you want to support me, head over to OnlyBella.com and subscribe for FREE!

Happy healing!

“I’d rather share about my life because I’m constantly learning from it. Constantly learning from it.”
-Isabella James

0:00 - Intro
2:10 - The Barbie Movie Conversation
4:32 - The Problem with Being Caught Up in the Superficial
5:56 - Learning to See Beyond the Good
7:44 - The Challenges of Being Different
13:10 - Why It’s So Important to Resist Negative Urges
16:18 - Take Advantage of the Divine Opportunities!
20:20 - Embrace Being More, Don’t Limit Yourself

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