In this episode, we provide a brief overview of our podcast, and the general modalities of anesthesia. These encompass:
General Anesthesia: Provides analgesia and amnesia, with or without muscle relaxation depending on the surgical indications. The goal is to maintain normal physiological function during the operative period.
Regional Anesthesia: Application of a local anesthetic to the nerves supplying the surgical site to provide analgesia. It encompasses both neuraxial (spinals, epidurals) and peripheral (regional nerve block) techniques.
Monitored Anesthesia Care: Anesthetic monitoring with or without the administration of intravenous sedation. This modality if used for procedural sedation such as during a colonoscopy.
For a more detailed description of the modalities of anesthesia and their indications, refer to chapter 2 of the Ottawa anesthesia Primer
Patterson L. Ottawa Anesthesia Primer: Patrick Sullivan. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine. ECHO Book Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-0-9918009-0-2. Can J Anesth Can d’anesthésie 2013.