Ep 19 - Mouth Taping to benefit Free Diving - Book Review with Trev

Solo Sailing with Trev White

Feb 12 2024 • 10 mins

The night Alice lead me down the rabbit hole of mouth taping.

The Kraken bar in Tonga, It was a warm, wet night in Tonga, It had not stpped raining for hours. Esther, Justine, Pierre and myself were soaked through after taking the dinghy from the yacht to the bar.  I managed to get a couple of quick rumbo's under my belt whilst I chatted with the crew from little fish. About this time I met this mysterious chick called Alice. It may have been one too many Rumbos,  Alice, was talking to Esther one of my crew. Alice was looking for a berth from Tonga to Fiji, my intended sailing route in the next week or two.

I did not have any spare berths,  and not enough room for a good looking, random American stunt woman on my yacht. That's where the night started to get weird, by closing time, Alice convinced me that to increase my breathe hold times and depths for free diving, I needed to learn how to do mouth taping and use it as a tool to increase my free diving capacity. I had one foot in the rabbit hole,  just I did not realise it.

Now, this might sound strange, but some people swear by taping their mouths shut while they sleep.

  • Mouth taping encourages nasal breathing, which has several potential benefits.
  • Reduce snoring, its bloody hard to snore when your mouth is taped, I like a bottle of red, it likes me. My crew however dont like the results, I can snore like a legend after a night on the red. So give up the red or try mouth taping. Mouth taping does work to eliminate or reduce snoring.
  • Improved sleep quality: Nasal breathing filters and warms air, leading to deeper, more restful sleep.
  • Enhanced athletic performance: Nasal breathing promotes oxygen uptake, potentially improving stamina and endurance.
  • Brainpower boost: Better oxygen flow to the brain can lead to improved focus, memory, and cognitive function.
  • Free-diving superpower: Mouth taping and breathing exercises can help freedivers hold their breath for longer periods, pushing their limits safely.

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