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And She Looked Up Creative Hour

Nov 26 2023 • 26 mins

Subscriber-only episode

It feels like every day I see another announcement from a creator who is leaving social media. While some of the reasons they give are extremely valid, very often the conversation comes down to the fact that it's too much work for not enough new followers. The algorithm doesn't help them get seen. It's a popularity contest where only artists and creatives with big followings get noticed... But what if instead of using social media as a way to attract new followers, we instead used it to nurture the community we already have? Let's talk about that in this month's subscriber only episode!

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And She Looked Up Creative Hour Podcast

Each week The And She Looked Up Podcast sits down with inspiring Canadian women who create for a living. We talk about their creative journeys and their best business tips, as well as the creative and business mindset issues all creative entrepreneurs struggle with. This podcast is for Canadian artists, makers and creators who want to find a way to make a living doing what they love.

Your host, Melissa Hartfiel (@finelimedesigns), left a 20 year career in corporate retail and has been happily self-employed as a working creative since 2010. She's a graphic designer, writer and illustrator as well as the co-founder of a multi-six figure a year business in the digital content space. She resides just outside of Vancouver, BC.

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