1.14 - Show Me the Money! Making a living as a creative with guest Jen Sookfong Lee

The Balanced Creative

Aug 7 2023 • 41 mins

In today’s episode of The Balanced Creative I am excited to chat with author editor extraordinaire, Jen Sookfong Lee about all things writing and money:

  • Where does our ‘writing' income come from?

  • What are all the ways we can make money from our books aside from just book sales?

  • How can we get excited about money?

You don't wanna miss this one!

JEN SOOKFONG LEE was born and raised in Vancouver’s East Side, and she now lives with her son in North Burnaby. Her books include The Conjoined, nominated for International Dublin Literary Award and a finalist for the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize, The Better Mother, a finalist for the City of Vancouver Book Award, The End of East, The Shadow List, and most recently, Superfan. Jen acquires and edits for ECW Press and co-hosts the literary podcast Can’t Lit.

Check out Superfan: How Pop Culture Broke My Heart

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