Analysis Uncut - Feelix Yoga Strap - Episode 1 with Katie Wilke

Side Show Hustle

Mar 9 2022 • 29 mins

Welcome to the best bits of the episode distilled down into something a little shorter and easier to digest and put into action.

In episode one of Side Show Hustle Matt interviews Jen Paynter where they journey through the process of launching a successful crowdfunding product.

Jen's story is a fantastic journey from start to finish - but with the story it can be a little difficult to distill down what the key learnings were, especially if you're in a rush.

The intention of Analysis Uncut is to highlight what Matt and his guest host thought were the best parts of the episode - and then to start riffing on ideas of where you could take the business - the hope being that we deliver some gold nuggets of advice back to our hustlers to say a million thank-you's for taking the time to share their story.

Secondly, I hope you guys, the community behind Side Show Hustle can pick up more ideas to implement across whatever it is you are doing - hopefully you get the sense of being a fly on the wall and enjoy the banter as we discuss how we might take the business forward - in real-time and unscripted.

You will have noticed I said Guest Host - yep, we'll be changing it up regularly - and if you or anyone you know is an out of the box thinker or a specialist in any area - just put your hand up - we want manufacturing gurus, tech gurus, marketing gurus, comms gurus - we have a massive variety of hustler's coming up. Reach out - you just need a microphone and photo!

Guest Host

This episode I'm joined by Katie Wilke - she is a founder at and is a veteran PR, crisis and social media communications specialist. She's handled massive corporate media blowups (think the worst kind of stuff that happens in this world, but where you need to communicate to communities and all sorts of stakeholders) out to helping super tiny businesses find their footing on National media, back to big companies working with social influencers to get messages out. There likely isn't a scenario she hasn't seen. Katie and I also happen to work on the same board as non-executive directors (@ one of Australia's leading community banks).

Free Offer

Head on over to and drop Katie a message - remember there are only 20 DIY PR packs and 5 consults and she gets to make up all the terms and conditions.

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