Faith Crisis, Breast Cancer, and Meeting Her Higher Self: Bethany Kay Sell Shares Her Journey

AWAKENING with Lynleigh Rose

Apr 3 2022 • 45 mins

In this episode I have the honor of speaking with Bethany Kay Sell, who has gone through some massive transformations over the past years. What started as a meeting of her Higher Self, led to a faith crisis, and then a cancer diagnosis, all while raising 4 young children. One of the significant things about Bethany is that she has gone through some very dark times, but has emerged feeling that she has a higher purpose through it all. It's this perspective that allows her to put herself out there in very vulnerable ways: she is known for her very raw, journal-like Facebook posts, her youtube videos about leaving Mormonism, and her topless modeling photos celebrating her body after a double mastectomy. Join me for this episode to hear Bethany talk about her experiences first hand, and share her tips on letting go of shame and living a divinely inspired life.

Books mentioned:
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
The Power of Now & A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette

App mentioned:
Shift Your Mood aka Shift Now

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