Burn Out or Burn In?

The Great Conversation

Nov 29 2023 • 26 mins

I would quickly describe “burn out” as exhaustion. But that is too simple. How did you become exhausted? It seems that there is this incredible stage we go through while heading toward exhaustion and part of it is being actively disengaged from our purpose and settling for a frantic and numbing execution of droll work.

Then what would be “Burn In”? It can mean a lot of things, but in this context I might leverage one: Burn-in can imply a lasting or permanent impression on someone or something. What could we “burn in” to prevent “burn out”?

There are some people who hit their bottom in life and rise out of it with a new-found perspective and purpose. Such was Sally Clarke, author, speaker, researcher, and, what she calls “Human Leader”.

Her two books, Protect Your Spark: How to Prevent Burnout and Live Authentically and Relight Your Spark: How to Heal and Evolve after Burnout, were inspired by her own journey.

When you speak with her you realize it all bubbles up to teaching people how to flourish, thereby making “burnout” redundant.

I walked away with a sense that work is a true blessing, and the art of work involves trust, purpose, and belonging.

Enjoy this Great Conversation as we connect between Seattle and Amsterdam on this podcast.