3 Reasons You Can't Find Your Calling

Becoming Me

Aug 2 2022 • 25 mins


If you have been searching for your calling or personal vocation and still feel that you lack clarity, have you wondered how you can help yourself gain clarity in this process?

In this episode I talk about three reasons we struggle to gain clarity about our personal vocation - a lack of awareness of the scripts that influence our lives; a lack of knowledge about the unique design we have been given; and a lack of interior freedom to be authentic.

Watch the video (without praxis prompts) here.

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(00:00:25) - Introduction
(00:01:01) - 3 Things that Keep Us from Being Our Best Selves
(00:01:26) - 1. Lack of Awareness of the Scripts that Influence Us
(00:09:07) - 2. Lack of Awareness of My Own Traits & Design
(00:13:17) - 3. Interior Freedom to Choose to be Me
(00:20:27) - PRAXIS: Listen. Ponder. Act
(00:24:07) - Conclusion
Available here.

Available here.

- As you listened to my sharing in this episode, was there anything that resonated with you?
- Which part was it that resonated with you?

- Which of the three reasons do you think is maybe most relevant to you at this point in your journey?
- Is it a lack of awareness of the scripts that influence how you live your life?
- Is it a lack of knowledge about yourself, your traits and design?
- Or are you really bumping up into a lack of interior freedom in your life?

-  Take one concrete action towards either learning more about the scripts that influence your life.
- Do one thing to help yourself grow in interior freedom.
- Start considering what is it that's holding you back from daring to be who you are with a guide.

For full details of this reflection prompt, please see transcript.

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- 10 worksheets, over 30 exercises
- Helps you integrate and apply the foundational principles to Becoming Me
- Great for inner work and connecting with yourself in solitude
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