This White couple just ended their 15 years of roaming the USA in an RV looking for Black people to befriend. Was their ‘Longing’ and urgency to recover from the race lie so deep they just ‘Authorized’ themselves into action’? They figured out they had been racially brainwashed. Why would Phyllis and Eugene Unterschuetz go this far in a way no other European-Americans would dare? How did they even approach People of Color? No human being wants to be enslaved. Did Phyllis and Gene escape brainwashing and leave their racialized lives behind and find a new kind of freedom as White people? Did they eventually get to a different mountain top and see far into a new capacity to sustain racial healing? Did their ‘Longing’ to reclaim a new reality about being human pay off? You won’t believe what they found out, and how it has affected their humanity. Join authors Phyllis and Eugene Unterschuetz for ‘Longing – Stories of Racial Healing’, and what they are doing now that the RV is parked.