How to Align Life with Personal Values | E67 Rachel Covert

My Most Authentic Life

Feb 7 2024 • 25 mins

In this episode, host Fede Vargas interviews Rachel Covert, a former fashion industry professional, who faced a life-altering health diagnosis at age 29, forcing her to rethink her work-life balance. Covert shares her journey of aligning her life with personal values following the pivotal moment that changed her life trajectory. She discusses the importance of embracing discomfort, putting finances in order and sticking to long-term plans, even when they feel uncomfortable. Despite struggling with the transition, Covert emphasizes the importance of family, time and health. She further stresses the significance of devising a detailed action plan when contemplating significant changes in life.

Discussed in this episode:

00:00 Introduction and Rachel's Life-Changing Diagnosis

01:06 Aligning Life with Personal Values

02:24 The Pivotal Moment: A Health Crisis

05:31 The Aftermath: Career Pivots and Financial Independence

06:42 The Power of Support Systems

08:40 Aligning Values in a New Life Chapter

11:07 Embracing Discomfort and Change

15:08 The Importance of Financial Stability

17:17 The Power of Persistence

19:01 The Value of Health, Time, and Relationships

20:27 Embracing Change in an Era of Uncertainty

21:59 Looking Ahead: Future Plans and Aspirations

24:09 Final Thoughts and Advice

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Instagram: @mymostauthenticlife
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Distributed by: Genuina Media