A Journey of Pivots: From Corporate to CFO Guy With Mayur Vyas

Mastering the Art of Failing

Dec 5 2023 • 35 mins

Season One, Episode Two: We chat with Mayur Vyas, a CFO who has built a bold and entertaining personal brand that goes against corporate norms.

Think back to when you first started your career. Did you think it would be filled with suits and ties (or other standard business attire), excessive meetings and spreadsheets, and chatting around the coffee machine? Or, did you feel that these environments, somewhat devoid of energy and creativity, should mirror life outside of the office?

This week, we chatted with Mayur Vyas, the CFO for Finconoso, who is better known as The CFO Guy. He, too, was met with this all-too-common scenario but decided to go against the grain. After spending at a Big Four accounting firm, Mayur initially envisioned creating an exemplary professional services firm.

However, through various pivots, Mayur has embraced his unique persona, The CFO Guy, and found success in his own authentic way.

While his spirit and persona may not mesh with everyone in the financial world, he continues to carve out his own niche and change what executive-level finance looks like today.

To read the show notes and explore future episodes of Mastering the Art of Failing, visit failingpod.com.