65 - Dear Reader, Asimov and Worldbuilding with Seth Ring

WorldCraft Club

Aug 1 2023 • 31 mins

There’s no doubt that Isaac Asimov was a master. His work is unparalleled science fiction that formed the basis of the genre as we know it. But the 1940s were a different time and when he wrote Nightfall he had some ideas about worldbuilding that might throw some of us for a loop. “Just imagine it yourself” he seems to say in a letter to the reader ahead of his 1941 short story Nightfall. Seth and James discuss where the of worldbuilding in Asimov’s work and how it can influence what you’re making.

Key Takeaways:

  • Write what you want! It’s not your job to be all things to all men but to be something to the folks who read your work. Keep the main thing the main thing.
  • Our conception of worldbuilding has come a long way from 1941, audience expectations are different.

Seth’s Stuff

All Seth’s stuff can be found here - go ahead and check out his whole catalogue!

Links and Sundry

  • The only link you’ll ever need: Our LinkTree - this will take you to our link tree which has access to our discord and other great stuff for you to check out.
  • Nightfall - this is the novel we’re referring to in the show.
  • Asimov - Just incase you haven’t read a lot of him or weren’t sure who we were talking about.