70 - The Style is the Substance - Eastern and Western Animation with Studio YGKrow

WorldCraft Club

Dec 12 2023 • 25 mins

In a WorldCraft Club first, we interview an animation studio, YGKrow, and talk about the process of animation and how it can enhance your worldbuilding. In this episode we explore the differences between the eastern and western approach to animation and what that reveals about the priorities of each.

Key Takeaways

  • Ma (Space) - Leave room for your creation to breath. You don't always have to fill the air with more content if what you've already created is rich with meaning. What this can mean is that you shouldn't be afraid to linger on a scene or a worldbuilding concept that's already where it needs to be. Know what you're making and let your audience enjoy it without every detail being explored.
  • Kinetic Spectacle - Feel free to create something that is straight from the heart. Your unique style. Your goal is not necessarily a realism but rather expression.
  • Economy - You only have so many words you can fit on a page, only have so much attention from your audience that you can spend. Remember this and keep your content important or good, don't be afraid to throw out material you're not sure about. Kill your darlings.

Links and Sundry:

Studio YGKrow's Stuff

  • YGKrow's Website - Check out YGKrow's swanky website, don't forget to drop into their merch store to check out their latest designs.
  • Kythera 0 - Their latest animation (at least until cucumber fairy comes out)
  • Ned and Fred Don't Lose Your Head - I'm pretty sure this is the one Raz nearly died to make. We refer to it a lot in the podcast and I thought you might wanna check it out too, it's super fun. Also, this has some of my favorite voice acting ever.

WorldCraft Club