WELCOME TO OUR KITCHEN: We're making a spicy pork dipping sauce for vegetables

Cooking with Bruce and Mark

Feb 19 2024 • 20 mins

Hey there. We're Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough. Together, we've written three dozen cookbooks (working on #37 right now) and we've sold almost 1.5 million copies of our books.

We're delighted you're joining us for our adventures in food and cooking. In this episode, we offer a simplified version of more traditional Cantonese dish: a spicy pork dipping sauce (almost a ragu) for raw vegetables. We've got a one-minute cooking tip about easy, cheesy dumplings. And we'll tell you what's making us happy in food this week.

Here are the segments for this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:

[01:00] Our one minute cooking tip: how to make easy, cheesy dumplings for chilis and stews.

[03:04] We're making warm a coconut curry pork dipping sauce for vegetables. Think of this as our easy take on a traditional Cambodian dish--or better yet, a spicy, Asian-inspired pork ragu that you can drag all sorts of raw vegetables through for a fun and tasty dinner.

[16:42] What’s making us happy in food this week: satsuma oranges and old-school chicken soup.

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