EP017: Who You Are

Motivate Coaching

May 20 2021 • 11 mins

How well do you know yourself, what you want out of life? What you really want. We often live from our minds, we focus on the perceived requirements, the pressure of earning money, using our (lack of) time effectively. We construct structures that we live in that frequently were established over many years and may not be relevant any more. To make a change in our lives feels scary, it means moving to something else, perhaps something new and unknown. The best possible way to move forward in your life, toward what it is you truly want is by getting in touch with who you really are. In the deepest parts of yourself. The place to start is to just spend some time each day connecting with yourself - it will start to come to the surface. IF you are on this journey already or want to move it along faster book a session with me and we can explore this together. Lets get you n the track to knowing exactly who you are, what you want and on track to achieving it. Sounds good right, let's do this!

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