EP015: Getting Going Again (Part 1)

Motivate Coaching

Apr 30 2021 • 16 mins

COVID has hit us all pretty hard and I wanted to put this podcast series of two parts together for you to help you get back on track. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a director, an employee, seeking employment, a parent at home whatever your circumstance, we all need to get going again. You may have had a busy time home schooling, working from home, taking on temporary work to keep you and your family going – whatever your circumstance we all want some balance again. We all want to get back on track in the directions that we WANT to be heading rather than those that we SHOULD or HAVE to take. Make the efforts in your life that change the whole of your life, for the rest of your life. I am here to help. You can do it, I know that for a fact. If you can’t do it alone give coaching a try, we’ll get you there together.

Part 2 goes LIVE on Monday 3rd May 2021 at 8am BST / 9am SAST / 1am MST

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