EP029: Become the Ultimate Balance Master

Motivate Coaching

Dec 16 2021 • 21 mins

You know those things you want to achieve in so many areas of your life. It can be overwhelming can't it? In fact so much so that we don't get around to doing any of it and get frustrated at yourself for not moving forwards. It starts with breaking down the priorities in your life for NOW. If you try to make everything you want happen in one go this is when you go in circles. Choose one area of your life to improve and get yourself to where you want to be. As Desmond Tutu said, 'If you want to eat an elephant you must eat it one bite at a time." Another great quote from Bill Gates is, 'We over-estimate what we can achieve in one year and under-estimate what we can in 10." Take the time to help yourself move forward, here is how you can become the Ultimate Balance Master...

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