EP024: Re-associate Your Fears

Motivate Coaching

Nov 1 2021 • 13 mins

We all get fearful from time to time. Oftentimes we wish we wouldn't, other times we are glad we did. Your fear is a preservation and self-defense mechanism that is designed to keep you safe. It is on your team believe it or not. Fears primary concern is to keep you safe, now, in the moment with whatever is going on. It also attaches itself to your experiences, the ones that made you fearful. This means that whenever that scenario or situation comes up, or your even just think about it you feel the fear. You order a pizza and get on the couch to watch some Netflix - much safer. Not a whole lot of progress going on though is there. Don't get me wrong pizza - sofa -Netflix days are important, but they have their place.  By distancing yourself form your fears and re-associating more constructive emotions that serve the long term outcomes you want - you are much more likely to live those long term aspirations. Cool huh!?

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