How to Gain Respect in the Business World with Michael Goldberg

The Idea Climbing Podcast

Sep 28 2023 • 22 mins

Episode 78! Know, like and trust is great. Taking it one step further is respect. It’s all about the connections that you make with people and the relationships you build after you connect.  That’s what I discuss with Michael Goldberg in this episode. Gaining Respect There are phases to building relationships the right way. When you’re getting to know each other, you’re asking a lot of questions, figuring out if your personalities match and so on. At this phase oftentimes you’re not going to open your rolodex or database and make introductions. When you find a common ground, you’ve hit the “like” phase. When you enter the trust phase you believe that the other person is credible and great at what they do. Respect is the phase when you believe they are going to take care of anybody that you introduce them to. In that case it’s going to be a win-win-win scenario. It needs to be collaborative. We need to be resources for one another, we must be helpful. That will help you establish a higher-level connection with the people that you want to develop relationships with. It’s about asking the right questions and being of service. This doesn’t mean that it will happen all the time. Michael believes that if he’s at an in-person networking event and he meets 10 people, he’ll hit it off with three or four of them. His suggestion is to focus on the “one-thirders”. To do this you need to create or become part of the right environments. Connecting to Shared Passion When you can find a common ground of shared passion you move along the know-like-trust-respect cycle faster. You both are interacting in similar environments or have an affinity towards similar marketplaces. If you can’t find an environment, you can create your own environment and bring people into it rather than going to them. You need to have criteria for the audiences you want to reach and stick to those criteria which means that you will end up turning some people away. At the end of the day, it must be valuable for the people involved. You can get my book “Idea Climbing: How to Create a Support System for Your Next Big Idea” here!         About The Guest               Michael Goldberg has helped thousands of financial advisors, brokers, and agents generate hundreds of thousands of dollars to their bottom line. His firm Knock Out Networking has been a speaking and training resource in the financial services industry for over 20 years. Michael is also the founder of THE Networking Group, a national networking organization focused on helping a “vetted” community of business owners and sales leaders grow their business through networking and referrals. Michael is a two-time TEDx speaker, an award-winning adjunct professor at Rutgers University, and frequently volunteers as a speaker at organizations focused on career search. His book Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors is available NOW! Connect with Michael