The Power of Positive Self-Talk

Energy Crue

Jan 9 2024 • 16 mins

Staring down the barrel of another daunting workweek, I once found myself wrestling with a sneaky sense of self-doubt that nearly convinced me I wasn't up to the task. But a simple shift in the conversation I was having with myself turned everything around. Welcome to a journey through the landscapes of our inner talk—this episode is an ode to the science-backed magic of positive self-talk. I'm spilling the secrets of how your own words can be your most powerful ally in reshaping reality, influencing emotions, and steering behavior. From personal tales of triumph over the inner critic to scientific insights from the fields of cognitive psychology and neuroplasticity, we're picking apart the cognitive distortions that hold us back and arming you with affirmations to charge forward.

Ever found yourself whispering internal rebukes just before stepping into the spotlight? You're not alone. In this intimate conversation, we unravel the threads of imposter syndrome and reweave them into badges of confidence. With anecdotes about the transformative effects of statements that follow "I am," I'll guide you from the quicksand of self-doubt to the solid ground of self-assurance. We'll also examine the intriguing findings from the University of Michigan that reveal the surprising power of referring to oneself by name. By the end of this discussion, you'll have the tools to cultivate a mindset of tenacity and positivity, ready to take on the year with a chorus of cheers from the most important coach you'll ever have—you.