Ep # 21 Unlocking Success with Brenda’s Blueprint for Lead Generation, Community Building, and Lasting Relationships

What’s Your SuperPower

Dec 28 2023 • 54 mins

Brenda Sheldrake is a lead Lead Generation Strategist. As a lead generation expert, she has developed a system that allowed her to generate 3000 qualified leads in one year with no paid ads.

She doesn't provide done-for-you service, She teaches you to generate your own leads. If you have the leads generated for you they will be cold leads when you start to work with them. So why not learn to build relationships that will give you leads that last and clients that stick!!! She is also known for building communities and relationships with your community.

Connect with Brenda Sheldrake:

linkedin.com/in/brenda-marie-sheldrake-lead-generation osborne0170@gmail.com


Connect with Faye:








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