Biggest Reason Kids Disobey You and Why Pink Elephants Matter

The Teevee Show Podcast

Jun 22 2022 • 10 mins

Allow me to share a parenting tip with you. But first,

"Don't think of a pink elephant."

Humans have this quirk—when we're told not to think about something, we have to think about it to then not think about it.

That is why, right now, you’re still thinking of a pink elephant.

Things are no different for our kids who are still figuring out the world around them.

Just imagine this. When you tell your kid not to touch the hot stove, you're not saying no. You're just planting the idea of doing it into their head.

It’s crazy, right?

In today's episode, I talk about how the way we frame the things we say to our kids affects what they do and what they don't.