The Sage Sayers: How Do We Seem Cool (and Confident) When We Lack the Answers?

The Sage Sayers

Jul 15 2022 • 15 mins

Fielding Q&As from prospective clients, CEOS, or investors induces fear and stomach pain in the most confident presenters. For those working to build their courage, the fear of the unknown in these moments can paralyze. But in this week's podcast, we're offering phrases, come backs, and even tweaks to your mindset to help sail through that moment with ease.

We also tackle this week on Medium, three of the more popular myths on Q&As which can induce panic  after we pitch or present our ideas. So, take a read and for anyone needing this vital help, please pass it on!

Connect with me, Coach Debbi McCullough, about your group's communication challenges by clicking here. Or, do visit my LinkedIn profile and website. I'm currently seeking group coaching clients for new launches of new communications and mental fitness workshops and programs. Stay tuned for those releases with the hashtag #bravecommunicators.