081: The Culmination of the Campaign Drives Growth with Aditya Varanasi

The Marketing Umbrella Podcast

Feb 16 2024 • 37 mins

What is it like to trade the comforts of a corporate gig for the roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship? Join us as we welcome Aditya Varanasi, CEO of Awarity, to unlock the secrets of a successful transition from corporate stability to entrepreneurial success. From analyzing Cheetos at PepsiCo to spearheading a digital marketing agency, Aditya's story is full of insights on leveraging integrated marketing strategies and the courage to pursue passion over comfort.

Aditya Varanasi is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Awarity. He graduated with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University and started his career at PepsiCo in the R&D group.  Here he helped develop and launch new products like Lay’s Stax and Tostitos Scoops and earned multiple US Patents for his work.  It was during this time he had an opportunity to work alongside brand marketing teams and developed a passion for consumer marketing.

Here are the key takeaways from this conversation:

  • Leverage Integrated Marketing Strategies: Using an orchestrated mix of TV ads, in-store promotions, and strategic pricing, as seen in PepsiCo's analysis of Cheetos, can create a compounding effect on consumer behavior.

  • Tailor Your Approach: Customize marketing strategies to suit different business sizes and types. Small businesses must focus on strategic market niches to compete effectively, and larger enterprises require a different approach.

  • The Power of Brand Awareness: Brand recognition and consumer recall are crucial for a business's success. It measures the familiarity of consumers with a brand and how well they associate it with the products or services offered.

  • Innovate to Differentiate: Awarity has made world-class marketing tools accessible and easy to use for small businesses by offering affordable minimums and real-time reporting without retainers.

  • The 4Ps of Product Marketing:

    • Product: This involves the development of the right product or service that meets the needs of the target customer. It includes the design, features, quality, branding, and variety of the product.

    • Price: This relates to the strategy around setting a price that is acceptable to consumers while still yielding a profit. Pricing strategies take into account costs, competition, market demand, and perceived value.

    • Place (Distribution): This concerns the channels through which the product or service is sold and how it is delivered to the consumer. It includes the selection of distribution channels, market coverage, locations, and logistics.

    • Promotion: This encompasses all the communication tactics used to inform, persuade, and remind customers about the product or service. It includes advertising, sales promotions, public relations, personal selling, and direct marketing.

Closing Thought:  “There's very little we can ultimately control. We can control our efforts. We can't always control the outcome.”

To Connect with Aditya Varanasi:

To learn more about Umbrella and to connect with CEO Itamar Shafir, go to https://umbrellaus.com