Nov. 17, 2023 - Morgan Villar, Founder of Dignity Homes - Harnessing the Powers of Nonprofits at the Intersection of Quiet Luxury, Sustainable Development, and Poverty Alleviation

Not Complicated - Just Green

Nov 17 2023 • 38 mins

Today, we welcome Morgan Villar, founder of the nonprofit, Dignity Homes, to discuss Christianity's complex relationship with capitalism, and how it can be wielded as a force for positive change. Can her ministry truly reverse the damages of industrialization and transition towards a more sustainable future? We contemplate the power of consumer education in sparking a shift towards sustainable building practices and the rise of "quiet luxury" in the industry. We highlight Dignity Homes innovative initiative to create tangible change by breaking the cycle of poverty through comprehensive programming.

This podcast is presented by Creative Interface Architecture and Interiors.
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