30: How Women Executives Master Optimism with the 24x3 Rule

Living While Leading with Sharon Ehrlich

Jan 15 2024 • 7 mins

This episode explores the power of the 24x3 rule, a practice that encourages women executives to pause and process new ideas before reacting. This transformative approach not only fosters a culture of innovation and creativity but also helps in curbing the instinct to dismiss unconventional strategies.

Learn how taking a moment to reflect rather than react can lead to more effective decision-making and open the doors to innovative solutions.

Discover practical steps to implement the 24x3 rule in real-time business scenarios, and how it can turn initial skepticism into successful strategies.

Link to the podcast transcript
Link to Harvard Business Review Article

Sharon Ehrlich‘s mission is to support successful women IT executives gain more control over their careers while carving out precious time for themselves and loved ones.

She‘s developed an exclusive 4-Step Systemwhich empowers women to dedicate the time needed to reassess their priorities. Through one-on-one sessions, women design a life which allows them to continue thrive professionally while giving themselves permission to reclaim their freedom to pursue things which are important to them. This is a transformative, high-touch program designed exclusively for women in executive and leadership positions.

Sharon also provides a dynamic empowerment session called Own the Room which supports women in unleashing their authentic self and confidently showcase their talents and expertise. This intense 90-minute session supports women in putting self-doubt to rest and recognizing and owning their power.

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